Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/579

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DURHAM 561 the Coldstream Guards; Lord Lieut, of" co. Durham i884.() K.G. 3 Mar. 1909. C") He w., 28 Oct. 1882, at St. Peter's, Eaton Sq. (spec, lie), Ethel Elizabeth Louisa, 2nd da. of Henry Beilby William MiLNER,of West Retford House, Notts, by Charlotte Henrietta, da. of Marcus Gervais Beresford, Archbishop of Armagh. He instituted a suit for the nullity of this marriage (on ground of insanity) which was dismissed (with costs) 10 Mar. 1886. She was b. at York, 4 Sep. i860. Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of 1 5,807 acres in Northum- berland and of 14,664 CO. Durham, these last, owing to the coal mines thereon, being worth about ;^64,ooo a year. Total, 30,47 1 acres, worth C']i,()']i a year. Principal Residence. — Lambton Castle, co. Durham. (") See "Herschell of the City of Durham," Barony (^Herschell), cr. 1886. DURNESS See " Reay of Durness, co. Sutherland," Barony (Reay), cr. 1881. DURSLEY i.e. " Dursley, co. Gloucester," Viscountcy (Berkeley), cr. 1679, ^'^^ the Earldom of Berkeley, which see. BUTTON i.e. " Button, co. Chester," Barony (Hamilton), cr. 1 7 1 1 with the Dukedom of Brandon. See "Hamilton," Dukedom of [S.], cr. 1643, under the 4th holder thereof. DYNAUNT see DINHAM DYNEVOR see DINEVOR DYNHAM see DINHAM (*) He was a Liberal till 1886, and then a Unionist. Since 1902 he has been classed as a Liberal, and has supported that party except on Home Rule. He is one of the numerous peers who are or have been directors of public companies, for a list of whom (in 1896)866 vol. v, Appendix C. V.G. C") Four of his brothers served in the great European War of 1914 — : (i) Charles Lambton, D.S.O., Brig. Gen. in command 34th Infantry brigade; (2) William Lambton, C.M.G., D.S.O., Brig. Gen., was Military Secretary to Sir John [after- wards Viscount] French; (3) D'Arcy Lambton, Lieut. -Commander R.N.; (4) Francis Lambton, 2nd Lieut. Royal Horse Guards, killed in action 31 Oct. 1 91 4. For a list of peers and sons or peers who served in this war, see vol. viii, Appendix F. V.G. (') See vol. vi, Appendix H, for some remarks as to the value of the Earl of Durham's estates, compared with those of the possessors of 100,000 acres and upwards. 71