Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/58

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42 DALZELL the loyalty of his ancestors, on i8 Sep. 1628, cr. LORD OF DALZELL [S.] to him and his heirs male bearing the name and arms of Dalzell. He m. (cont. dat. 28 Mar. 1580) Margaret, da. of Robert Crichton, of Eliok. He d. between 11 July 1635 and July 1636. (^) IL 1635 2. Robert (Dalzell), Lord Dalzell, s. and h. On or 2 1 Apr. 1 639, he was cr. EARL OF CARNWATH [S.]. 1636. See "Carnwath," Earldom of, cr. 1639. See "Hamilton of Dalzell, co. Lanark," Barony {Hamilton), cr. 1886. DAMORY or D AM MORYC') BARONY BY i . Sir Roger Damory,('^) of Bletchingdon, Oxon, yr. br. WRIT. of Sir Richard Damory() [Lord Damory], and yr. J s. of Sir Robert Damory, of Bucknell in that co. He ^ was an associate of Edward II, who gave him, 1 1 Feb. 13 1 6/7, the manor of Holton, Oxon.() Having m. the King's niece, he was granted, 3 May and 6 July 13 17, on this account and for his good services at the battle of Bannockburn, the manors of Sandal, co. York, and Vauxhall, Surrey, to him and his wife, Elizabeth, and his heirs.Q Keeper of the Castle and Honour of Knaresborough, 24 Dec. 1 3 1 4 to 18 Oct. 13 1 7, and 4 Mar. 1317/8 to 27 May I3i8;(«) of Corfe Castle and the Forest of Purbeck, 20 Feb. 13 17/8 to 8 May I32i;(e) of St. Briavel's Castle and the Forest of Dean, 4 June 13 18 to 11 Apr. 1321.(8) He was sum. for Military Service from 20 May (13 17) 10 Edw. II to 22 May (13 19) 12 Edw. II, and to Pari, from 20 Nov. (1317) 11 Edw. II to 15 May (1321) 14 Edw. II, by writs directed Rogero Damory or Dammory, whereby he is (^) In all previous accounts he has been stated to have been cr. Ear! of Carn- wath, but see vol. iii, p. 49, note " b," under that title. V.G. C) This article is by G. W. Watson. V.G. (^) His arms were, Barry undy of six, Argent and Gules, a bend Azure. ^) By his charter, dated Monday after St. Peter ad vinculo 6 Edw. II [7 Aug. 1 31 2], Richard Damory granted his manor of Bletchingdon to Roger his br.,for life: who held it till it was taken into the King's hand with his other lands [in 1321]. It was returned to the donor, on petition, 20 Sep. 1322. [Ancient Petitions^ file 42, no. 2053: Close Roll, 16 Edw. II, m. 26). Roger has hitherto been described as uncle of Richard, and br. of a Nicholas, who never existed. See next article. («) Ch. Privy Seals, I, file 98, no. 4006. The letters patent [Roll, 10 Edw. II, p. 2, m. i), though dated 11 Feb., were concocted much later, and are misleading. (') Ch. Privy Seals, I, file 99, no. 4196: Patent Roll, 10 Edw. II, p. 2, mm. 6, I. These 3 manors were resumed, but regranted with the assent of Pari., i Dec. 131 8. [Idem, 12 Edw. II, p. 1, m. II ). (e) Fine Rolls, 8 Edw. II, «. 15; II Edw. II, mm. 5, 2; 14 Edw. II, mm. 5, 4: Patent Roll, 11 Edw. II, p. i, mm. 22, 17; Close Roll, m. 18 d.