Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/582

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564 DYSART Will dat. 13 Mar. 1723/4, pr. ijib/j. His widow m., Dec. 1735, when "above 90, Mr. Warren, of Cheshire, Lord Cullen's Uncle." She J. 26 Apr., and was l>ur. 2 May 1 740, at Helmingham afsd. Will dat. 25 May 1732, pr. 13 May 1740. [Lionel Tollemache, sryk(i Lord Huntingtower, only s. and h. ap., I?, at Helmingham, 6, and i>ap. there 20 June 1682. He m., without his father's knowledge or consent, 6 Dec. 1706, at St. James's, Clerkenwell, Henrietta Cavendish, otherwise Hesige,(^) spinster, illegit. da. of William (Cavendish), Duke of Devonshire. He i/. v.p., 26 July, and was i>ur. i Aug. 17 12, in his 31st year, at Helmingham. Will dat. 13 July 1712, pr. 30 Mar. 1713. His widow rf'. 11 Jan. 1717/8. Will dat. 13 Dec. 1717, pr. 17 Jan. 17 17/8.] IV. 1727. 4. Lionel (Tollemache), Earl OF Dysart, £?'c. [S.], grandson and h., being only s. and h. of Lionel Tolle- mache, stykd Lord Huntingtower, and Henrietta, his wife, both above- named. He was l>. 1 May 1708, at Helmingham; was siyled Lord Huntingtower, 1712-27. K.T., 29 Mar. 1743. He m., 22 July 1729, at St. Geo., Han. Sq., Grace, ist da. of John (Carteret), Earl Granville, by his 1st wife, Frances, da. of Sir Robert Worsley, Bart. She, who was ^. 8 July 1 7 13, and by whom he had 16 children, d. 22 July, and was hr. 10 Aug. 1755, at Helmingham. He d. 10, and was i>ur. there 27 Mar. 1770, in his 63rd year. Will dat. 28 July 1769, pr. 5 Apr. 1770. [Lionel Tollemache, sty/ed Lord Huntingtower, ist s. and h. ap., ^. 1730; (/. v.p.y and was ^ur. 19 Mar. 1 730/1, at Helmingham.] [( — ) Tollemache, siykii Lord Huntingtower, 2nd but ist surv. s. and h. ap., d. v.p., 26 June 1740, of smallpox.] V. 1770. 5. Lionel (Tollemache), Earl of Dysart, (sfc. [S.], 3rd but 1st surv. s. and h., i. 6 Aug. 1734; siykd Lord Huntingtower till 1770. He m., istly, 2 Oct. 1760, at St. James's, sparing way of living which his circumstances at first made necessary hath habituated him to that which now he is out of those circumstances, is downright stinginess." (Humphrey Prideaux to John Ellis, 20 July 1696). V.G. (*) She is spoken of in the Wentworth papers as "very pretty and well bred, and has a great deal of wit, very like her father, the Duke of Devonshire." In another letter she is thus described: "Mrs. Harriet Cavendish, that used to kiss Grigson, the gardener, is married to Lord H., and Lord D. his father says he suspected it, and could have hindered it if he had pleased, but if he had known his son would have hanged himself or cut his throat, he should for him." V.G.