Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/59

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DAMORY 43 held to have become LORD DAMORY.(") His lands were taken into the King's hand, 1 8 Oct., but restored, 2 Dec. 1 3 i y-C") He took an active part in "pursuing" the DespenserSjC^) for which he received a pardon, 20 Aug. 1321, in accordance with the agreement made in Parl.C^) Was one of the principal contrariants, and was engaged in the capture of Gloucester, the burning of Bridgnorth, the siege of Tickhill, and the conflict at Burton-on-Trent. His lands were taken into the King's hand, and various orders for his arrest issued, 7 Dec. 1321 to II Mar. i32i/2.('^) On the retreat before the King's forces, being sick, or mortally wounded, he was left behind at Tutbury, where he was captured, 11 Mar.,(^) tried and condemned to death, but respited, 13 Mar. 1 321/2.0 He m., about Apr. (before 3 May) 13 17, Elizabeth, 3rd sister of the whole blood and coh. of Gilbert, Earl of Gloucester and Hert- ford, da. of Gilbert (de Clare), Earl of Gloucester and Hertford, by his 2nd wife, Joan of Acre, da. of King Edward I. She had m., istly, 30 Sep. 1308, at Waltham Abbey, in the King's presence,(8) John de Burgh (s. and h. ap. of Richard, Earl of Ulster), who d'. v.p., 18 June 13 13, at Galway;() and, 2ndly, as 2nd wife, 4 Feb. 13 15/6, near Bristol, (^) As to how far these early writs of summons did in fact create any peerage dignity, see Appendix A in the last volume. (*>) Patent Roll, 1 1 Edw. 11,/. i^mm. 22, 12. On I Nov. he was ordered to deliver up tlie Castle of Gloucester, which had been committed to him only 8 days before, 24 Oct. {Idem, mm. 21, 17). A document, dated 24 Nov., printed in Pari. Writs, vol. ii, part ii, appendix, p. 120, throws some liglit on the matter. f^) His quarrel was a personal one, for the younger Despenser by " faux com- passementz compassa dauoir les terres mons' Roger Damary pur auoir atteint par tieux faux compassementz al entier du Countee de Glouc' en desheritaunce des piers de la terre." {Cloie Roll, 15 Edw. II, mm. 30 d, 13 d, schedule). {^) Patent Roll, isEdw. II,/.. ,mm. 18,8,7, I'^S Close Roll, mm. 20 i, 19 d, I 7 d, and schedule. (') In one of the two writs issued that day at Tutbury, enumerating the rebels who were to be arrested, his name is omitted. {Patent Roll, 15 Edw. II, />. 2, m. 25). (') Before the Constable, the Marshal, and Geoffrey le Scrope. The judgment, on Saturday after St. Gregory, after reciting his crimes, proceeds, "Et quaunt vous veistes la sarraye et forcible venue vostre seignour le Roi . . . puys tournastes le dos et fuistes de ver le Northe derobeaunt le pays deuaunt vous com traytour et Robeour taunt qe vous venistes a Tuttebiri . . . par quei ceste Court agarde qe pur la traysoun soiez traynez et pur les homicides arsons et roberies pendutz Mes Roger pur ceo qe nostre seignour le Roy vous ad en temps moult amez et fuistes de sa Meygne et priuez de lui et auez sa Nyece esposee nostre dit seignour le Roi de sa grace et de sa Realte met en respit execucioun de eel Jugement a sa volunte." {Coram Rege, Hilary, 18 Edw. II, Rex, m. 34). The lands of the contrariants were restored in Pari., I Edw. Ill, " pro eo quod querela predicta in dicto parliamento nostro per nos et totum parliamentum nostrum bona et justa adjudicata est et judicia versos illos qui de dicta querela fuerunt reddita penitus adnullata." {Close Roll, i Edw. III,/.. I, m. 22). (8) De antiquls Legibus Liher, p. 251. See Ulster. (•")"... apud Galvey in festo sanctorum Marci et Marcelliani." {Annals of Ireland, p. 343). "... circa Pentecosten [3 June]." (J. Clyn, Annales, p. 11).