Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/592

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574 APPENDIX B It is remarkable that of the above Peers only one, the Earl of Manchester, was among the nine lawful Peers who, in 1657, were members of Cromweirs "Other House." (0 These nine were: Broghill [I.]. Roger Boyle, ist Lord, cr. Earl of Orrery [I.] 1660. Cassillis [S.]. John Kennedy, 6th Earl of. EuRE. George Eure, 6th Lord. Fauconberg. Thomas Belasyse, 2nd Viscount, cr. Earl of Fauconberg 1689. Manchester. Edward Montagu, 2nd Earl of. MuLGRAVE. Edmund Sheffield, 2nd Earl of. Save and Sele. William Fiennes, ist Viscount. Warwick. Robert Rich, 2nd Earl of. Wharton. Philip Wharton, 4th Lord. (*) For some account of the " Other House " see Appendix G in this volume.