Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/61

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DAMORY 45 Her lands were taken into the King's hand, 7 Jan. 1322/3, as she had left the King without his licence.(*) They were restored to her, 17 Feb. 1326/7, and the King took her homage therefor, 20 Dec. I327.() She endowed University Hall, Cambridge, 8 Apr. 1336, becoming Founder thereof, 6 Apr. I338.() Founder (lie. i Feb. 1346/7) of a House of Friars Minors, at Walsingham, Norfolk.('=) She, who was aged 19 or 20 at her brother's death in 13 14,^ d. 4 Nov. i36o,Q and was bur.^ with her 3rd husband, in St. Mary's, Ware. M.I. "Will dat. at Clare, 25 Sep. 1355, pr. at the Convent of the Minoresses without Aldgate, London, 3 Dec. 1360.0 2. Elizabeth Damory, only da. and h., b. shortly before 23 May 13 1 8. She m., before 25 Dec. I327,(s) Sir John Bardolf, of Wormegay, Norfolk [Lord Bardolf]. The King took his homage and fealty, and they had livery of her inheritance,(^) 5 Feb. 1360/1.(5) She predeceased him. He, who was b. 13 Jan. 13 13/4, sue. his father, Thomas, 15 Dec. 1329, (^) Cloie Rolls, 16 Edw.II, m. 16; I Edw. Ill, p. I, mm. 22, 21, p. 2, m. 4. C") At which date Richard de Badewe, " fundator patronus et advocatus domus que aula universitatis Cantabrigie nuncupatur," surrendered to her the patronage, ^c. {Clare College Reg., ex inform. F. G. M. Beck, Librarian). As early as 1346 it was called Clare Hall, and was, in 1 353, said to be wasted and dilapidated. [Patent Rolls, 20 Edw. Ill, p. 2, m. 22; 27 Edw. Ill, p. 2, m. 21 d). (<=) Patent Roll, 21 Edw. Ill, p. I, m. 28: cf. 22 Edw. III,/. I, m. 40. {^) Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. II, files 42-44. The jurors in 5 cos. gave her name as Isabel. On further inquiries, it was returned that Isabel was an error for Eliza- beth : showing that the two names were already liable to confusion, though still con- sidered to be distinct. (') " Elizabetha de Burgo." Writs of diem cl. ext. 6 Nov. 34 Edw. III. Inq., COS. Lincoln, Herts, Suffolk, Dorset, 10 Dec, Monday before St. Thomas the Apostle, Wednesday before Christmas [14, 23 Dec] 1360, and Monday before Epiphany [4 Jan.] 1360/1. " Dicunt eciam quod predicta Elizabetha obiit quarto die Novembris anno regni Regis nunc xxxiiij° [die Mercurii proximo post festum Omnium sanctorum proximo preterito — co. Dorset] et quod Elizabetha filia predictorum Rogeri [Damory] et Elizabetha uxoris ejus quam Johannes Bardolf chivaler duxit in uxorem estpropinquior heres predicti Rogeri de manerio predicto [Cathorp'] cum pertinenciis et est etatis xxx annorum et amplius." (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. Ill, file 152, no. 5: Exch. Inq. p. m., I, file 15, no. 5, and Enrolments, no. 125). For other inquisitions see Ulster and Verdun. Lambeth Reg., Islep, ff. 164 v-166 v. "Elizabethe de Bourg' dame de Clare . . . mon corps a la terre destre enterre a les soeres menuresses hors de Algate en Loundres." She mentions "Elizabethe ma fille Contesse Duluestier," "ma ioefne fille Isabel Bardolf . . . Agneissasoer," and " ma fille Contesse Datthelles." This has deceived Dugdale, all these being her granddaughters. (s) Patent Roll, 1 Edw. lU, p. 3, m. 4: Close Roll, 35 Edw. Ill, m. 41. C") The manors of Ilketshall and Clopton, Suffolk, obtained by her mother in ex- change for Vauxhall and Kennington, Surrey; Caythorpe, co. Lincoln, of the grant of Gilbert d'Aton; Douse (now Dowsett) in Standon, Herts; and some land in Cranborne, Dorset — and not 4 manors and 2 boroughs in that co., as Dugdale states. [Feet of Fines, case 136, file 87, no. 43: Patent Roll, 1 1 Edw. II,/>. l,m. 16: Close Roll, 1 1 Edw. Ill, p. 2, mm. 34 d, 24 d; Charter Roll, m. 10: Inq. next above).