Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/62

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46 DAMORY did homage and had livery of his inheritance, 26 Mar. 133^, and d. 29 July 1363, aged 49, at Assisi in Italy. Any hereditary Barony of Damory, that may be supposed to have been created by the writ of 13 17, was thus united to that of Bardolf. DAMORY or DAMMORYC) BARONY BY i. Sir Richard DamorYjC) s. and h. of Sir Robert WRIT. Damory [d. I285),('=) of Bucknell and Woodperry, Oxon, Thornborough, Bucks, and Ubley, Somerset. Sheriff I. 1326. of Oxon and Berks 1308-10. Appointed Forester of Whittlewood Forest, for life, 20 Dec. i309.() Constable of Oxford Castle 28 Sep. 131 1 to 24 Feb. i32o/i.(^) His lands were taken into the King's hand, 19 Feb. 1321/2,0 and he was arrested and impri- soned in Banbury Castle, but was released 1 6 Mar. following.(°) A banneret June 1322.0 He was on the King's service against the Scots 4 Aug. to 7 Nov. 1322. (s) Steward of the King's Household July 1322 to May 1325. (•") Ordered to besiege the Castle of Wallingford 17 Jan. 1322/3. (*) Appointed Keeper of the Forest of Salcey 4 May 1325. (') Justice of co. Chester, from before 4 June 1325 to 28 Feb. 1327/8. (') Justice of North Wales 12 Dec. 1326 to 20 Feb. 1326/7.0 He was sum. for Military (^) This article is by G. W. Watson. V.G. C*) His arms were, Barry undy of six, Argent and Gules, {^) He was living 12 July 1285, but d. before Kirkby's Inquest (Bucks, Oxon, Somerset). He was s. and h. of Roger (living 27 May 1281), s. and h. of Robert (who m. Joan, and d. 1236), s. and h. of Robert d'Amaury. [Cloie Roll, 9 Edw. I, m. 7: Charter Roll, 14 Edw. I, m. 5: Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. I, file 97, mm. 17, 18: White Kennett, Par. Jniiq., passim, from the Cartulary of Oseney, &c: Feudal J ids, vol. i, p. 81, vol. iv, pp. 158, 297: yc). Dugdale presumes that the Richard in the text was s. and h. of Nicholas, citing Charter Roll, 6 Edw. II, no. 65, for the existence of the latter. He has, however, read Nicholas instead of Richard, which is the name on the Roll. Subsequent writers have copied the mistake, accepting this imaginary Nicholas. (■1) Office resumed: regranted, 3 May 131 3: again resumed, Feb. 1 32 1/2: regranted for life, 27 Sep. 1323. {Patent Rolls, 2 Edw. II, w. 8; 5 Edw.II,/>. 2,m. ii; 6 Edw. II, p. 2, m. II; 15 Edw. II, />. 2, w. 27 ; 1 7 Edw. II, p. i, m. 1 5). (^) Fine Rolls, 5 Edw. II, tnm. 20, 12; 15 Edw. II, p. 1, m. 1$: Close Rolls, 5 Edw. II, m. 20; 1 4 Edw. II, m. lO; 15 Edw. II, mm. 18, 17, 16. Pari. IVrits, vol. ii, part ii, p. 593. (s) With 15 men-at-arms (10 after 13 Sep., "quo die quinque scutiferi sui recesserunt de servicio Regis "), of whom 2 were knights: rate of pay as below. Total jf 86. [Accounts of Roger de IValtham, Keeper of the King's Wardrobe, Orig., Stowe MSS., no. 553, f. 56). (•>) Charter Rolls, 16-18 Edw. II: Patent Roll, 18 Edw. II, p. 2, m. 10. (') Patent Roll, 16 Edw. II, p. i, m. 8. Being paid, from 24 Jan., "quo die recessit de Curia " at Stow Park, co. Lincoln, to 29 Jan., when going, and awaiting the coming of his men, 1 1 7^. ; from 30 Jan. to 5 Mar., when besieging and guarding the Castle, with 19 men-at-arms, of whom 3 were knights, himself ^s., each knight 2s., and each other man-at-arms 1 2d., a day. Total ^^5 i "Js. (Waltham, Accounts, f. 60). (J) Patent Rolls, 18 Edw. II, p. 2,m.ii; 20 Edw. II, m. 5; 2 Edw. Ill, />. I, m. 26: Chester Plea Roll, 18-19 Edw. II, m. 9: Fine Roll, i Edw. Ill, m. 23.