Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/621

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APPENDIX G 603 Winchester, and matric. Oxford (New Coll.) 19 Nov. 1624, aged 16. He com. a troop of Horse in the Pari, army under the Karl of FLssex; fought at Edgehill, 23 Oct. 1642, in the regt. com. by Sir William Balfour; Gov. of Bristol i May 1643, which he surr. to Prince Rupert 27 July i643.(*) ^^ w^s a member of the Committee of Safety 4 July 1642, and 3 Jan. 1647/8. M.P. for Banbury Apr.-May 1640, and '3 Nov. 1 640-48 ;() for CO. Oxford 12 July 1654; for the Univ. of Oxford 1656-57; and for Banbury again 3 Jan. 1658/9. Councillor of State(') 26 Apr. 1654; Commissioner for visiting the Univ. of Oxford 2 Sep. 1654; Commissioner of the Great Seal () 15 June 1655 to I4 May 1659. He was sum. to the "Other House," 10 Dec. 1657, and took his seat,(') as " Nathaniel Lord Fyennes one of the Lords Com of the Great Scale," 20 Jan. 1657/8; he also sat in Richard Cromwell's House of Lords, signed the proclamation in which he was declared Protector, 3 Sep. 1658, and was a member of his Privy Council. He acted as Speaker of the " Other House " in both Protectorates. He advised the Protector to dissolve Pari. 21 Apr. 1659; was deprived of his office of Lord Commissioner, 14 May 1659; and retired into private life. He was not molested at the Restora- tion. He »;., istly, 11 Aug. 1636, at Haynes, Beds, Elizabeth, (') ist da. of Sir John Eliot, of Port Eliot, Cornwall [d. 27 Nov. 1632), by Radigund, da. and h. of Richard Gedie, of Trebursey; she was bur. in Framingham Church. He ;«., 2ndly, Frances, istda. of Richard Whitehead, ot West Tytherley, Southants. He d. 16 Dec. 1669, at Newton Toney, Wilts, and was^«r. in the nave of that church, aged 61.(8) M.I. Willdat. 5 Oct. 1669, pr. 3 Dec. 1670. His widow </. 7 Oct. 1 691, aged 69, and was bur. with him. (^) " Commissioner Fiennes, son of the Lord Say, a member sometime of the long-parliament, and then a colonel under the Earl of Essex, had the command and keeping of Bristol, but gave it up cowardly, as it is said, for which he had like to have lost his head; he, being a lover of kingship and monarchy . . . was made com- missioner of the great seal, as also keeper of the privy seal, whereby his interest and revenue is raised from two or three hundred per annum to two or tliree thousand and more." [Second Narrative of the late Parliament). C") He was one of the members excluded by "Pride's Purge," 6 Dec. 1648. (■=) "Colonel Fines, as one of the council, ;riOOO. per annum; commissioner of the great seal, j^iooo.; as keeper of the privy-seal, supposed worth ;^1000. more; in all ^3000. per annum." [Harleian Miscellany, p. 403). ("^) " 15 June 1655. The Great Seal ... was deliver'd to Colonel Fiennes and Mr Lisle, our late Brother, who was for all Assays; and these two were Com- missioners of the Great Seal, the one of them never had Experience in Matters ot this Nature, and the other had as little Knowledge in them till by accompanying us he gained some; and now he carry'd the Business very high and superciliously." (Whitelocke's Memorials, p. 627). (') He was the first of the new " Lords " to take the oath. (') She was hap. at St. Germans, Cornwall, 29 Dec. 161 6. Their 2nd but 1st surv. s., William Fiennes, sue. his uncle James as 3rd Viscount, 15 Mar. 1673/4, and d. 9 Dec. 1698. (e) His portrait, engraved by W. Hollar, in 1644, is at the British Museum. [Add. MS. 32348, f. 63").