Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/623

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APPENDIX G 605 army at Worcester, 3 Sep. 1651. Commander-in-Chiet in Ireland 9 July 1652; Lord Deputy of Ireland 27 Aug. 1654 to 1657. He did not take an active part in the second Civil War, and was not one of the Judges app. for the King's trial. Commissioner of iVIartial Law, for London and Westminster, 16 Aug. 1644. M.P. for Marlborough 8 May 1646; Gov. of Westminster school 26 Sep. 1649; ^"<^ " Major-Generalof the Militia" for Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Hertford, Cambs, Oxford, and Bucks, 9 Aug. i 655. Councillor of State 13 Feb. 1 650/1, 14 July 1653, 13 June 1657, and 13 May to 25 Oct. 1659; Commissionerof the Militia forMidx. 26 July i6'J9; and member of the Committee of Safety, as leader of the " Wallingford House " party, 26 Oct. 1659. He was sum. to the "Other House," 10 Dec. 1657, and took his seat, as "Charles Lord Fleetwood Leiv' Generall ot the Army," 20 Jan. 1657/8; he also sat in Richard Cromwell's House of Lords, signed the proclamation in which he was declared Protector, 3 Sep. 1658, and was a member of his Privy Council. At the Restoration he was included in the Act of Indemnity, 29 Aug. 1660, but was forbidden to " accept or exercise any office of trust." He »/., istly, Frances, da. and h. of Thomas Smith, (") of Winston, Norfolk; she was bur. at St. Anne's, Black- friars, 24 Nov. 1 65 1. He w., 2ndly, before 1653, Bridget, widow of Henry Ireton, Lord Deputy of Ireland {d. 27 Nov. 1651), ist da. of Oliver Cromwell, the Lord Protector, by Elizabeth, da. of Sir James BouRCHiER, of Felstead, Essex; she was bap. at Huntingdon, 5 Aug. 1624, and bur. at St. Anne's, Blackfriars, i July 1662. He m., 3rdly, 14 Jan. 1663/4, Mary,('>) widow of Sir Edward Hartopp, da. of Sir John Coke, of Melbourne, co. Derby, Sec. of State to Charles I, by Mary, da. of ( — ) Powell, of Presteign, co. Radnor; she d. 17 Dec. 1684, and was bur. in Bunhill Fields cemetery. He d. 4 Oct. 1692, and was bur. with his third wife. Will dat. 10 Jan. 1689/90, pr. 2 Nov. i692.('^) FLEETWOOD [56] George Fleetwood,('^) Regicide, s. and h. of Charles F.,(*) of the Vache, Chalfont St. Giles, Bucks, by Anne, da. of Nicholas Watkins; (^) He was s. and h. of Sir Owen Smith, of Irmingland, Norfolk, by Alice, 8th da. of Sir John Crofts, of Saxham, Suffolk. He d.d June 1639. Smith Fleetwood, hap. at Feltwell 29 July 1647, was lord of the manor of Winston in 1708. (Blomcfield's Norfolk, vol. vi, p. 325, and ol. viii, p. 68). C") " Charles Fleetwood, of Feltwell, co. Norfolk, Esq., widower, about 50, and Dame Mary Hartoppe, of Newington, Middx., widow, about 40; at St. Anne's, Blackfriars." (Mar. Lie, Faculty Office, 29 Dec. 1663). Duntons Manor, in Felt- well, came to him through his 1st wife, Frances Smith. (*=) In his will he is described as " Charles Fleetwood of Stoke Newington, co. Middlesex, Esq"; he mentions his son-in-law. Sir John Hartopp, and "Samuel Des- borow Doctor of phisick," as being trustees of his settled estate. (P.C.C., 201 Fane). (■*) He bore, for arms: Party wavy Gold and Azure with six martlets counter- coloured; quartering Silver three mole-hills Vert. (') Charles Fleetwood d. 4 June 1628 [Inq. p. m., 26 July 1628), George, his s. and h., being then aged 5 years and 20 weeks. This Charles was 3rd but 2nd surv. s. of Sir George F., of the Vache {d. 21 Dec. 1620), by Katherii?, da. of Henry Denny, of Cheshunt, Herts.