Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/624

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6o6 APPENDIX G bap. 15 Feb. 1622/3, '^'^ Chalfont St. Giles. He was knighted, at White- hall, by the Lord Protector, 15 Sep. 1656. He took an active part in the Civil War; raised a troop of Dragoons for the Pari., Dec. 1643; Col. of the Bucks Militia 1649-50; Col. of a regt. under Gen. Monck 1660. M.P. for Bucks, in the Long Pari., July 1647 to Apr. 1653; and for Buckingham Sep. 1654. He was one of the Judges app. for the King's trial, and signed the death-warrant, (^) 29 Jan. 1648/9. Councillor of State 3 Nov. 1653; Commr. for visiting the Univ. of Oxford 2 Sep. 1654; " Major-General of the Militia" for Oxon, Bucks, and Herts, 31 Oct. 1655. He was sum. to the "Other House," 10 Dec. 1657, and took his seat, as "George Lord Fleetwood," 20 Jan. 1657/8; he also sat in Richard Cromwell's House of Lords. Having promoted the Restoration, and proclaimed Charles II at York, 1 1 May 1660, his life was spared, but he was excepted from the Act of Indemnity, 29 Aug. 1660, and his estates were granted to the Duke of York. In 1664 a warrant was issued for his transportation to Tangier, but it seems to have been cancelled, and he is said to have gone to America and died there. He w., istly, Katherine, da. of John Oldfield,() of Bow, and of St. Katherine Creechurch, London. He »?., 2ndly, Hester, da. of Robert Smith, of Upton, Essex {cr. a Bart., 30 Mar. 1665), by Judith, da. of Nicholas WALMESLEy,('=) a merchant of London. He d. before 9 Nov. i674.('*) His widow <3'. 9 Feb. 17 13/4, and was Ziwr. at Tring, Herts. Her wil^*") dat. 11 Aug. 171 2, pr. 13 May 1714. GERRARD [37] Gilbert Gerrard,(*) s. and h. of WilHam G., of Flamberds, Harrow-on-the-Hill, Midx., by Dorothy,(«) 2nd da. of Anthony Radcliffe, Alderman of London. Admitted Gray's Inn 3 Aug. 1592. He was cr. a (^) Noble says that he " sat often in the Court; " but in his Petition he states that "his name was put on the list without his leave; was never present in the court till the sentence, when Cromwell by threats and insinuations compelled him, being young and inexperienced, to join in the bloody business, which he has since deeply repented; joined in opposing the Act of Abjuration; engaged in the Restoration, and on 1 1 May last drew up his regiment and aided the Mayor of York in proclaiming His Majesty." [Cal. State Papers Dom., Charles II, 1660-61 ; p. 172). C") In his will, pr. 3 Nov. 1657, ^^ mentions his "daughter Katherine, wife to Colonell George Fleetwood . . . now S' George Fleetwood." if) He was 5th s. of Thomas W., of Sholay, Lanes, and m. Sarah, da. of Sir Thomas Cambell, Lord Mayor of London 1609. (^) For an interesting account of his descendants, who were for several genera- tions members of the Company of Glass-sellers, of London, see Notes and Queries, 9th Series, vol. ix, p. 262. A miniature of Sir George Fleetwood, by S. Cooper, dated 1647, belongs to G. M. G. Cullum, F.S.A. {D.N.B.). if) She is described in her will as " Hester Fleetwood of Jordens in the Parish of Giles Chalfont, Bucks, widow, being of a great Age." (P.C.C., 94 Aston). He bore for arms: Quarterly, i andiv. Azure a lion rampant Ermine crowned Gold (GeRRard); ii and iii. Silver three roundels Gules in bend cotised Sable (Ince); with a crescent Gules for difference. (8) She (/. before 24 Sep. 1627. See will of her brotJier, Anthony Radclifte,