Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/647

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APPENDIX G 629 the Restoration. He was app. a member of the Brook House Committee in Dec. 1667. He m. Ehzabeth, da. and only surv. h. of Sir Thomas Harries, of Tong Castle, Salop, Bart. (cr. 12 Apr. 1623, a', s.p.m.s. about 1649), by Eleanor, da. of Roger Gifford, M.D., of London, Physician to Queen Elizabeth. He d. 1678, and was bur. in Holme Pierrepont Church, Notts. Will dat. 2 July 1677, P""- i? Aug. 1678. POPHAM [43] Alexander Popham,(*) 2nd s. of Sir Francis P., of Littlecote, Wilts (who d. Aug. 1644), by Anne, only da. and h. of John Dudley,() of Stoke Newington, Midx.; b. 1605; matric. Oxford (Balliol Coll.) 16 July 1621; admitted Middle Temple 15 Nov. 1622. Col. of Foot in the Pari. army 1644. M.P. for Bath 21 Oct. 1640 to 1648 (when he was secluded), and 6 July 1654; for Somerset 1656; for Minehead 7 May 1659; and again for Bath, in the Convention Pari., 3 i Mar. 1 660. Commissioner of Martial Law, for London and W^estminster, 16 Aug. 1644; Commissioner for Scandalous Offences 5 June 1646; Councillor of State 14 Feb. 1648/9, 13 Feb. 1649/50, 25 Nov. 1651, and 25 Feb. 1659/60. He was sum. to the "Other House," 10 Dec. 1657, but never took his seat.(=) At the Restoration he made his peace with the Court, and entertained Charles II at Littlecote in i663.(^) He m. Lettice, ist da. of William Kerr,(') of Linton, co. Roxburgh, Groom of the Bedchamber to James I and Charles I, by Isabel, da. of John Kerr, of Littledean. She was bur. 27 Apr. 1660, at Stoke Newington. He was bur. 8 Dec. 1669, at Chilton Foliat, Wilts. Will dat. 7 Oct. 1669, pr. 20 Dec. 1670. (*) He bore for arms : Silver a chief Gules with two harts' heads caboshed Gold thereon. () John Dudley d. in 1580, leaving a widow (afterwards m. to Thomas Sutton, founder of the Charterhouse) and an only da. Anne as joint proprietors of the manor of Stoke Newington. Col. Alexander Popham purchased the fee-simple of the manor in 1649. (Lysons' Environs, vol. iii, p. 281). ("=) When the House was called over, 2 Feb. 1657/8, he was one of the eleven " Lords " who " being called Did not appeare nor any excuse made for them." See Introduction to this Appendix, p. 591. {^) He had a grant, under the Act of Settlement, of 1,600 acres in the barony of Clanwilliam, co. Tipperary; dat. 23 Jan. 1666/7. {Irish Records, 15th Annual Report, p. 73). ("=) He was a yr. br. of Sir Robert Kerr {cr. Earl of Ancram, 1633), being the and s. of William K., of Ancrum, and great-grandson of Sir Andrew K., of Fernihurst. His 2nd da., Anne, m., istly. Col. Edmund Popham, yr. br. of Alexander of Littlecote; and, 2ndly, as his 3rd wife, Philip (Wharton), 4th Baron Wharton. {Genealogist, vol. ii, p. 290).