Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/650

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632 APPENDIX G ROBERTS [48] William Roberts,(*) 2nd s. and h.C") of Barne R., of Willes- den, Midx. (who d. 30 Jan. 1610/1), by Anne, ist da. of Sir William Glover, Alderman of London; b. 21 Apr. 1604; admitted Gray's Inn 7 Aug. 1622. Knighted by James I, at Greenwich, 18 May 1624. Dep. Lieut, for Midx. 1642; and Capt. of the Trained-bands 1644. He was an extensive purchaser of Church lands. (') Commissioner for the Sale of Forfeited Estates 15 June 1653; Councillor of State, in the " Barebones " Pari., 3 Nov. to 12 Dec. 1653; Commissioner for Excise () 17 Mar. 1653/4; and Commissioner for the Sale of Crown Lands 30 Aug. 1654. M.P. for Midx. 17 Sep. 1656 to 1657. He was sum. to the "Other House," 10 Dec. 1657, and took his seat, as "William Lord Roberts," 20 Jan. 1657/8; he also sat in Richard Cromwell's House of Lords. He was not molested at the Restoration. (') He ;«., 22 Feb. 1623/4, at Wil- lesden, Eleanor, only surv. da. and h. of Robert Aty, of Kilburn Priory, Midx., by Jane, da. of Sir John St. John. He d. 19, and was bur. 27 Sep. 1662, at Willesden, aged 58. M.I. Will dat. 2 Aug., pr. 27 Nov. 1662. His widow, who was b. 4 June 1608, in Sheer Lane, London, was bur. 22 Nov. 1678, at Willesden, aged 70. ROUS [33] Francis Rous,(*) 4th s. of Sir Anthony R., of Halton Manor, St. Dominick, Cornwall, by his ist wife, Elizabeth, 2nd da. and coh. of Thomas Southcote, of Bovey Tracey, Devon, by his ist wife, Grace, da. and h. of John Barnhouse, of Marsh, in the same co. He was b. at Dittisham, Devon, 1579; matric. Oxford (Broadgates Hall) 6 July 1593; Gallows." {Commons' Journals, vol. viii, p. 197). This barbarous order appears not to have been carried out as regards Col. Pride, probably through the intervention of the Duke of Albemarle, his daughter-in-law's uncle. (*) He bore for arms : Silver six spear-heads Sable, with a running greyhound Silver collared Gold on a chief Sable. C") His elder twin-brother, Barne Roberts, d. at Eton College, i Feb. 1619/20, aged 15. (°) The property thus acquired included the manor of Witherington, Northants, and the manors of Neasden and Chambers, in Willesden, Midx. C) " Sir William Roberts ... a great committee-man, and in much employ- ment, whereby he well advanced his interest, and is grown a great man." [Second Narrative of the late Parliament). His salary "as one of the committee for excise and customs, three hundred pounds per annum ; as comptroller of the exchequer, six hundred pounds ; in all, nine hundred pounds per annum. He is a commissioner of the wine-office, and one of the committee of the army." [Harl. Misc., p. 407). (^) William Roberts, of Willesden, 5th but ist surv. s. and h. of Sir William and Eleanor, was cr. a Baronet, 4 Oct. 1661. See pedigree of this family, by Francis Grigson, in the Genealogist, vol. v, p. 304. (^ He bore for arms: Gold an eagle Azure armed Gules. [Visitation of Corn- wall, 1620).