Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/660

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642 APPENDIX G TICHBORNE [52] Robert Tichborne, Regicide, only s. and h. of Robert T.,(') of St. Michael le Querne, London, " citizen and skinner," by Joan, da. of Thomas Bankes, of London. He was a linendraper in the City, " by the little Conduit in Cheapside." Joined the Pari, army at outbreak of the Civil War; Major 1644; Commissioner of Martial Law, for London and West- minster, 16 Aug. 1644; Col. 1647; on the Committee of the City of London Militia 23 July 1647; Lieut, of the Tower() Aug. 1647; Col. of the " Yellow Regt." of London Trained-bands in Apr. 1658. He was an extreme Independent, and presented a petition from the City of London in favour of the execution of the King, 15 Jan. 1648/9. He was app. one of the Judges for the King's trial, 6 Jan. 1648/9, attended every meeting of the Court except two, and signed the death-warrant. Sheriff of London 1650; el. Lord Mayor 29 Sep. 1656. M.P. for the City of London 1653. Commissioner for gov. of Scotland 23 Oct. 1651; received the thanks of Pari, for his services 14 May 1652. Knighted at Whitehall, by the Lord Protector, 15 Dec. 1655. He was sum. to the " Other House," 10 Dec. 1 657, and took his seat, as " Robert Lord Tichburne," 20 Jan. 1657/8 ; he also sat in Richard Cromwell's House of Lords. (°) Member of the Com- mittee of Safety, representing the " Wallingford House" party, 26 Oct. 1 659. At the Restoration a warrant was issued for his arrest, 20 Apr. 1 660, and he was excepted from the Act of Indemnity, but "with a Saving Clause "; he was tried at the Old Bailey 10 Oct., attainted 14 Dec. 1660, and im- prisoned in the Tower. He was removed to Holy Island in July 1662, and transferred (on his wife's petition) to Dover Castle before 14 May (^) He was 2nd s. of John Tichborne, of Cowden, Kent, by Dorothy, da. of Francis Challoner, of Lindfield, Sussex. Robert Tichborne, the elder, entered his pedigree and arms at the Viiitation of London, 1634. He bore for arms: Vair a chief Gold ; with seven other quarterings. The Tichbornes of Cowden traced their descent from John Tichborne of Tichborne, Sheriff of Hants 1488, by Margaret, da. and h. of Richard Martin, of Edenbridge. They bore Tichborne, quartering Martin and Wallis. {Visitation of Kent, 1619). C") "Alderman Tichborn, then Sir Robert, knight of the new stamp, . . . made lieutenant of the Tower of London ; and, though he was a colonel, yet never went out to fight, but became an alderman very timely, ... he hath, by degrees, sadly lost his principles, and forgotten the good old cause." [Second Narrative of the late Par- liament). if) " By the assessments made during the protectorate it appears that Lord Pack, Lord Tichbourn, and Sir John Ireton, some of Cromwell's city friends, had houses at that time at Mortlake . . . Tichbourn resided some years before at Mitcham." (Lysons' Environs, vol. i, p. 375). In, or shortly after, 1649 ^^ purchased the manor of Old Court, in Greenwich, which formed part of the jointure of Queen Henrietta Maria and was restored to her 23 June 1660. [Commons' Journals, vol. viii, P- 73)-