Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/72

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56 DARCY 1328 to 27 Feb. i330/i.() With Guillaume de Seintz (or Sans), Seigneur de Pommiers, he was commissioned to treat with the nobles of Aquitaine, 27 Apr. I330.() Appointed a special envoy to the King of France concerning the marriage of Prince Edward, 15 July I33i.() He was sum. for Military Service, 20 Sep. (1322) 16 Edw. II and 2 Oct. (1322) 16 Edw. II, by writs directed Johanni Darcy le neveu, to a Council, 25 Feb. (1341/2) 16 Edw. Ill, and to Pari, from 27 Jan. (133 1/2) 6 Edw. Ill to 2 Jan. (1333/4) 7 Edw. Ill, by writs directed Johanni Darcy le cosyn, whereby he is held to have become LORD DARCY. ("=) Justiciar of Ireland, 30 Sep. 1332 to 28 July I337.('*) Thence he took an army to Scotland in 1335 (after 15 Aug.), and wasted Arran and Bute.(') Steward of the King's Household from Mar. 1336/7 to Dec. I340.(') Appointed to treat with the King of France, the Emperor, the Count of the manor of Wark in Tynedale, for life, 24 Nov. 1328, and in fee, 4 Mar. 1328/9. This he sold to the Queen. {Idem, I 7 Edw. II, />. I, m. 18; 2 Edw. HI,/". 2, w. 13: Charter Roll, 3 Edw. Ill, m.i: Close Rolls, 5 Edw. Ill, />. I, w. 9; 11 Edw. Ill, /.. I, m. 22: Close Rolls [I.], 20 Edw. II, no. 9; 8 Edw. Ill, nos. 6, 43). (*) Reappointed, 19 Feb. 1328/9. [Patent Rolls, 2 Edw. Ill, p. 2, m. 24; 3 Edw. Ill, /). i,m.2S; sEdw. III,/>. i,m.26). Having engaged to stay always with the King, with 20 men-at-arms in time of war, he was granted for life, 6 Apr. 1330, the manors of Brocklesby and Greetham, co. Lincoln, is'c. These were resumed, and he was granted, 25 Mar. 1332, the manor of Marston Meysey, Wilts, Wick [parcel of the manor of Down Ampney], co. Gloucester, &c., for life, the term for Marston being extended, 20 Feb. 1337/8, for the life of his eldest son. [Idem, 4 Edw. Ill, p. I, m. II; 6 Edw. Ill, p. I, m. 10, />. 3, m. 13; 12 Edw. Ill, />. I, w. 31). (b) Gascon Roll, 4 Edw. Ill, m. 10: Patent Roll, 5 Edw. Ill, p. 2, m. 28. {^) The writ of 134 1/2 was directed Johanni Darcy. There is no " proof of sitting." The Pari. Rolls show indeed that he was one of the King's Council, and in this capacity present in Pari, in 1 1 Edw. Ill, and that he was again one of the King's Council in 18 Edw. Ill, but on neither of these occasions had he been sum. to Pari, by writ. Nevertheless, it has been decided by the House of Lords that the latter date (the former seems to have evaded them) was the one on which the barony of Darcy became materialized. As J. H. Round remarks {Peerage and Pedigree, vol. i, p. 279), this decision of their Lordships' House can be readily amended by following a well-known precedent, and inserting a not in the affirmation clause. f^) Patent Rolls, 6 Edw. Ill, p. 2, m. 4; 11 Edw. Ill, p. 2, m. 17. For his good services there and elsewhere, he was granted the manors of Rathwer and Kildalk, in Ireland, to him and his wife Joan and the heirs male of their bodies, 6 Apr. 1335: also the reversion of the manors of Temple Newsam and Temple Hurst, co. York, and Torksey, co. Lincoln, to him and the heirs male of his body, I Sep. 1337. {Patent Roll, 9 Edw. Ill, p. I, m. 25: Charter Roll, II Edw. Ill, m. 9). (*) J. Clyn, Annales, p. 26. The writs to the magnates of Ireland were issued 8 May. {Scottish Roll, 9 Edw. Ill, ;;;. 36 d; cf. Close Roll [I.], pluries). In the Annals of Ireland, p. 379, and by T. Dowling, Annales, p. 22, the event is wrongly datfd 1333. Dowling remarks that the Justiciar slew "700 Scotos vocatos red shankes." (') Charter Rolls, 11-14 Edw. III. He had a grant, I Mar. 1339/4O, of the manors of Louth and Garristown, iiJ'c, in Ireland, late of the Count of Eu, in fee, and the reversion of the manors of Eckington, co. Derby, and Kirkby in Ashfield, Notts, for life. {Patent Roll, 14 Edw. Ill, p. I, m. 18). I