Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/74

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58 DARCY tion to Brittany in Aug. 1 342.0 Appointed Constable of Nottingham Castle, 2 Mar. i343/4,() and of the Tower of London, 12 Mar. 1345/6, both for life-C") He was at the battle of Crecy,^ and was one of those sent from before Calais, 8 Sep. 1346, to announce the victory in Parl-C") He m., istly, Emmeline, da. and h. of Walter Heron, of Silkstone, co. York (s. and h. ap. of Sir William Heron, of Hadstone, Northumberland, and Notton, co. York), by Alice, da. of Sir Nicholas de Hastinges, or Allerston, co. York, and Gissing, Norfolk.^ She was aged 7J years in May 1297.0 He m., 2ndly, 3 July 1329, at Maynooth, co. Kil- dare,Q Joan, widow of Thomas (fitzJohn), Earl of Kildare (who d. 5 Apr. 1328, at Maynooth, Q being then Justiciar), and 4th da. of Richard (de Burgh), Earl of Ulster, by Margaret, his wife. He J. 30 May 1 347,(*) on which day he had received a pardon for all homicides, felonies, robberies, &'c., for all oppressions by colour of any office he had held, for all trespasses of vert and venison, and of any consequent outlawries, and for all arrears and debts. (^) His widow ^.23 Apr. 1359, and was i/ur., with her ist husband, in the Church of the Friars Minors at Kildare.(') II. 1347. 2. John (Darcy), Lord Darcy, called k fiz, and afterwards de Knayth s. and h. He had a grant, i Aug. (*) Knighton, vol. ii, p. 25. (b) Patent Rolls, 18 Edw. Ill, ;^. 1,^.33; 20 Edw. Ill, /. i,m. 26, p. 4., m.zi: Pari. Rolls, vol. ii, p. 157. (•=) With 1 1 knights, 48 esquires, and 80 archers. [Accounts of Walter de Wete- wang. Treasurer of the King's IVardrobe, in Wrottesley, Crecy and Calais, p. 195). C) Walter Heron was s. of WiUiam by his ist wife, Christian {m. in or before 1270 — Fine Roll, 54 Hen. Ill, m. 1 1), da. and h. of Sir Roger de Notton. [5outh York- shire, vol. ii, p. 391, from Dodsworth). Alice was married to Walter at Allerston, 27 Oct. 1284: her mother was named Emmeline. {Coram Rege, Mich., 25-26 Edw. I, m. 36 d). Genealogists have confused the two Emmelines. On 2 Mar. 1347/8 John Darcy of Knaith released to William Heroun kt. and Isabel his wife, and to Margery late the wife of Roger Heroun kt., all his right and claim in the manor of Ford, Northumberland. (Deed enrolled, De Banco, Hilary, 22 Edw. Ill, m. 430 d; cf Mich., 20 Edw. Ill, m. 330 d). (■=) Ch. Inq. p. m. (on William and Walter Heron), Edw. I, file 78, nos. 18, 19. (') Annals of Ireland, pp. 371, 366: J. Clyn, Annales, p. 19. («) "Johannes Darcy le piere." Writs of diem cl. ext. dated at Reading 30 May 21 Edw. in England and 8 in France. Inq., cos. Lincoln, Notts, Northants, Herts, York, Wednesday and Sunday before St. [6, 1 o June], 1 1, 21 June, Thursday after the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr [12 July] 1347, and co. Derby, date destroyed. "Item dicunt quod Johannes Darcy miles filius predictorum Johannis Darcy et Emeline est heres ipsorum propinquior et est etatis xxx [xxiiij" — co. Herts: xxix — CO. Lincoln'] annorum et amplius Item dicunt quod predictus Johannes Darcy le piere obiit xxx [xxiij — co. Herts: ultimo — co. Northants' die Maii proximo preterito." (Ch. Inq. p. m., Edw. Ill, file 85, no. 3: Exch. Inq. p. m., I, file 10, no. 3). C*) Ch. Privy Seals, I, file 319, no. 18370, and Patent Roll, 21 Edw. Ill, p. 4, m. 15 (both dated by Calais, 30 May): Idem, p. 2, m. 13 (dated at Abingdon, 30 May). (') Annals of Ireland, p. 393. But in the Mortilogium Eccl. Cath. S. Trinitatis Dublin, (p. 57) it is stated that both the Earl and his wife were bur. in that Church.