Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/748

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726 APPENDIX H SCHEDULE Containing examples of the writs of summons to Parliament of men who married heiresses, the dates of the baronies created by patent up to 1473, and other facts relating to baronies in the 14th and 15th centuries. 1375. Robert de Ferrers, who married Elizabeth, da. and h. of William le Botiler, Lord of Wem, was sum. 28 Dec. (1375) 49 Edw. Ill, by writ directed Roberto de Ferrers de JVemme, and continued to be so summoned till 20 Oct. (1379) 3 Ric. II. Members of the family of Ferrers of Groby were summoned at intervals from 28 Edw. I to 43 Edw. Ill simply as de Ferrariis, but when Robert Ferrers of Wem began to be sum. the Groby family was distinguished by the words de Groby, e.g. in 1377 (the first sum. to his family after 43 Edw. Ill) Henry Ferrers was sum. as Henrico de Ferrariis de Grohy. 1383. Thomas Nevill, who married Joan, da. and h. of William de Furnivall, was sum. 20 Aug. (1383) 7 Ric. II, by writ directed Thome de Nevill de Halumshire, and continued to be so sum. till I Dec. (141 2) 14 Hen. IV, though he had then been dead several years. See Note sub 1 409 below. 1383. Michael de la Pole, who had been summoned to Parliament for nearly 20 years, in addressing the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and the Commons in Parliament, ranks himself with the Commons. See ante, pp. 695-6. 1383. Sir John de Falvesley or Fawsley, who married Elizabeth, sole surviving heir of William de Say {d. 1375), was summoned to Parliament 20 Aug. (1383) 7 Ric. II, by writ directed Johanni de Falvesley Chivaler, and continued to be so summoned till 8 Sep. (1392) 16 Ric. II. There being no other person named Fawsley summoned at the same time, the description in the writ was sufficient. 1387. First Barony by Patent. John de Beauchamp was cr. Lord de Beauchamp and Baron of Kidderminster. Grant in tail male, by patent 10 Oct. 1393. Sir William Heron, who married the abovenamed Elizabeth de Say after the death of her husband. Sir John de Falvesley (see 1383), was summoned to Parliament 13 Nov. (1393) 17 Ric. II, by writ directed Willielmo Heron Chivaler, and continued to be so summoned till 25 Aug. (1404) 5 Hen. IV. There being no other person named Heron summoned at the same time, the description in the writ was sufficient. 1409. John Talbot, who married Maud, only da. and h. of Joan Furnivall and Thomas Nevill (see 1383 above), was sum. 26 Oct. (1409)