Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/749

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APPENDIX H 727 1 1 Hen. IV, by writ directed Johanni Talbot Domino de Furnivall, and was subsequently sum. also as Johanni Talbot de Furnivull^ and as Johanni Talbot Militi (or Chivaler). The summonses to Thomas Nevill and to John Talbot, his son-in-law, are best considered together. On each occasion that Thomas Nevill was sum. zs of Ha/umshire, from 7 Ric. II to 12 Ric. II, John Nevill was sum. as 0/ Rahy; from 13 Ric. II to 21 Ric. II (with the exception of 1 8 Ric. II), when Thomas was sum. under the same description, Ralph Nevill was sum. as of Raby. Ralph Nevill was (r. Earl of Westmorland in Sep. 21 Ric. II, and thereafter was sum. as Radulpho dc Nevyll Comiti Jf'eitmerlatid, while Thomas was sum. as before, the last sum. to him being I Dec. (14 12) 14 Hen. IV. From II Hen. IV, when Thomas Nevill was already dead, till 14 Hen. IV he and John Talbot arc summoned together. John Talbot was first sum. in I l Hen. IV as Johanni Talbot Domino de Furnivall, but for some time before Gilbert Talbot had been summoned. In I Hen. V John was summoned as Johanni Talbot de Halomshire^ and thereafter as Johanni Talbot de Furnivall. He and Gilbert were both sum. up to the time of Gilbert's death, John being described as above till 26 Feb. 8 Hen. V, just after Gilbert's death, but thereafter John is described merely as Aliles or Chivaler. 141 1. Hugh Stafford, who married Elizabeth, h. of Bartholomew Bourchier, was sum. 21 Sep. (141 1) 12 Hen. IV, by writ directed Hugoni Stafford, and was summoned in the same form twice after. There being no other person named Stafford summoned with him, the description in the writ was sufficient. 1424/5. Lewis Robessart, who married the abovenamed Elizabeth after Hugh Stafford's death, was sum. 24 Feb. (1424/5) 3 Hen. VI, by writ directed Lodovico Robessart, and continued to be sum. in the same form till 3 Aug. (1429) 7 Hen. VI. There being no other person named Robessart ^unlmoncd with him, the description in the writ was sufficient. 1429. William Nevill, who married Joan, da. and h. of Thomas Fauconberg, was sum. from 3 Aug. (1429) 7 Hen. VI to 20 Jan. (1446/7) 25 Hen. VI, by writs directed M^illelmo de Nevill Chivaler, and from 26 May (1455) ^3 Hen. VI to 30 July (1460) 38 Hen. VI and 26 July (1461) 1 iuiw. IV as IV'illelmo Nevill de Fauconberge Chivaler. From 33 to 38 Hen. VI, when William Nevill was >um. as de hauan- herge, either Edward or John Nevill of Bergaveimy was also sum., in 38 Hen. VI also John Nevill Domino Nel'ill, and in i Edw. IV George Nevill of Bergavenny, and John Nevill Domino de Mountagu. 14^,2. Sir John Cornwall was created by patent Baron of Fanhope without words of inheritance. In 1442 he was created Baron of Milbrokc. See post.