Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/794

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772 APPENDIX J THE ENTAIL OF THE DESMOND LANDS IN 1 342/3 C) This entail is known only from a record in the Memoranda of the Exchequer [I.] for Trinity Term, 3 and 4 Ph. & Mar., to the effect that John Coppinger, servant of James, Earl of Desmond, appeared in person in Court on 27 June of this Term, and, submitting to the Court a certain charter of the said Earl, sought that it should be enrolled, and the Barons ordered it to be enrolled, the tenor of which charter follows in these words rC") Sciant presentes et t'uturi quod nos Mauricius filius Thome Comes Dessmonyd' Dominus Deyse et de Ogonyll' ac Dominus libertatis Kerrygye dedimus concessimus et hac presenti charta nostra confirmavimus Geraldo filio nostro omnia messuagia terras prata boscos moras montanias redditus et servicia tam in dominio quam in dominico cum pertinenciis que habemus in comitatibus Kerrygye Lym'yc' Corkag' Tipparr' et Watrford' viz., the manon of Castle Island, Killorglin, Dunloe, and about 22 others, CO. Kerry, Newcastle, Askeaton, and 2 others, co. Limerick, Dungarvan, and about 15 others, CO. IVaterford, Inchequin and the land of Imokilly, Knockmourne, Newtown of Olethan, and others, co. Cork, Kihheelan, Kilfeakle, and others, co. Tipperary. Habendum et tenendum predicta omnia cum omnibus dominiis juribus et pertinenciis de nobis heredibus nostris et assignatis prefato Geraldo et heredibus masculis de corpore sue legittime procreatis. Et si predictus Geraldus obierit sine herede masculo de corpore suo legittime procreate tunc predicta omnia ^c. remaneant Nicholao filio nostro fratri predict! Geraldi et heredibus masculis de corpore suo legittime procreatis. Et si predictus Nicholaus obierit fife, tunc predicta omnia ^c. remaneant Johanni filio nostro fratri predictorum Geraldi et Nicholai et heredibus masculis ^c. Et si predictus Johannes obierit is'c. tunc predicta omnia iffc. remaneant Mauricio filio nostro fratri predictorum Geraldi Nicholai et Johannis et heredibus masculis iifc. Et si predictus Mauricius obierit ia'c. tunc predicta omnia ds'c. remaneant Thome filio Johannis militi nepoti et heredibus masculis ^c. (') This Appendix is by G. W. Watson. (b) Carew MSS., vol. 616, f. 153, r and v: Cotton MSS., Titus, B 11, fF. 120, 121. Both these transcripts are exceedingly slovenly, inaccurate, and ill-written. The text above has been corrected from the Memoranda Roll by G. D. Burtchaell, who agrees that the document must be a forgery.