Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 2 Vol 4.djvu/84

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68 DARCY Descent of one moiety of the Barony of Darcy to the families of Bigod and Roos. Sir James Strangways.=: Elizabeth Darcy: coh., i, to the Baronies of Darcy and Menille. I — — ! Sir Richard Strangways:=p Elizabeth, 2nd da. and coh. of William Neville, Earl of Kent: coh. d. 13 Apr. 1488. I , to the Barony of Fauconberge. Sir James Strangways:== Alice, ist da. of Thomas, Lord Scrope of Masham: mar. lie. 7 Sep. 1^. 16 Dec. I 52 1. '47^: coh., , to the Barony of Scrope of Masham. SirThomas Strang- : ways: will 2 Sep. 1522, pr. 8 Oct. 1525. Anne, da. of John Bigod of: Humphrey, Lord Dacre Bainton: mar. lie. 20 Jan. of the North. 1488/9: d.v.p. before 22 Jan. 1514/5- Sir James Strangways: d. s.p. 26 Apr. 1541 : will lo Mar. 1540/1, pr. 29 July I 541. = Elizabeth, 3rd da. and coh. of Thomas Pigot of Clotherholme. Joan:;/. l5 = Sir William Maleverer Nov. I 546. of Wothersome: mar. lie. 7 Nov. 1522: d. 1 1 Aug. 1551: will 24 May 1549, pr. 16 Jan. 1551/2. Katherine, da. of William, Lord Conyers. Sir Francis Bigod of= Settrington : attainted, and hanged at Tyburn, 2 June 1537. Ralph Bigod of Mulgrave and Eckington : d. s.p. : admon. 20 Apr. 1569. Dorothy, sister=pRoger Radcliffe: d. Aug. andinherissue | I 588: will I 3 Aug. I 588, h. I pr. 27 Mar. 1589. I Mary: living 20 Mar. = Robert Roos of Ingmanthorpe: d. 1514/5: 1st wife. May 1530: will 30 Oct. 1529, pr. 23 Oct. 1532. r — " Robert Roos of Ingman- thorpe. J- Bridget, da. and h.:== Peter Roos of Laxton: d. 15 Nov. 1605: mar. settl. 18 Mar. | admon. 2 Mar. 1605/6. 1590/1: 2nd wife, /fs On the death of Sir James Strangways the younger, William Lord Dacre and Greystoke of the North claimed the estates by virtue of a bargain and sale supposed to have been made to him by the said James: Robert Roos and Joan Maleverer claimed as cousins and next heirs, under divers entails, the reversions of most of which belonged to the King. By indenture dated 15 June 35 Hen. VIII (confirmed by Act of Pari. 35 Hen. VIII, no. 24), the King's Majesty .awarded to the Dacres, West Harlsey and i 7 other manors: to the King, for full recompense of his rever- sions, the castle and manor of Whorlton, an annuity of ^^20 out of the Exchequer, ^c: to Sir William and Joan Maleverer, the manor of Eckington : to Robert Roos, Upsall and 1 9 other manors, in satisfaction of the great costs he had sustained in the suit of the premises. Robert Roos sold Ingmanthorpe, ^c, to Thomas Edgar, of Bermondsey, Surrey, and the rest of his property was soon dissipated. At least, Thoroton {Notts, vol. iii, p. 209) relates that Bridget Roos, by her own misfortunes and the wicked unthriftiness of her son, Gilbert Roos, was reduced to so great poverty that she gleaned corn among other poor people in Laxton field.