Page:The Early English Organ Builders and their work.djvu/85

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Organ Builders.
1543. Solut. Butson pro reparacione organorum in choro, xls.
1545. Solut. Whyghte reparanti organa ex pacto, iijs. iiijd.
1548. Solut. cuidam Sacerdoti reparanti organa, iijs.
1554. Solut. Browne emendanti folles organorum in choro, xijd.
1559. Solut. Browne emendanti organa, iijs. iiijd.
1597. Solut. Mro. Chappington pro organis per billam, 33l. 13s. 8d.
—— Sparrow et Georgio Mathew colorantibus et deaurantibus eadem, 2l. 11s.
—— Lea et Andrews fabris lignum pro wainscott circa eadem, 3l. 14s.
—— Fairberd pro clavis ibidem insumptis, 3s. 1d.
1598. Solut. Chappington reparanti organa, 2l.
1615. Solut. Dalham reperanti organa, 4l.
1616. Solut. Yorke emendanti organa, 2s. 6d.
1622. Solut. Yorke emendanti organa, 10s.
1624. Solut. Mro. Dalham reperanti organa, 2l.
1628. Solut. Bishop emendanti folles organorum, 4s.
1637. Solut. Dallum, Yorke reparanti organa, 2l. 7s. 6d.
—— Harris pro ecclesia, 40l.
1642. Solut. Bishop reparanti organa, 15s.