Page:The Economic Journal Volume 1.djvu/262

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HOWELL (G.). Trade Unionism New and Old. Methuen.

Huxley (T. H.). Social Diseases and Worse Remedies. [Letters to Tke Times on Mr. Booth's Schemes.]

JAEGER (E.). Der Normalarbeitstag, mir besonderer Riicksicht auf Deutschland. Stuttgart: Liesching.

KEYNES (J. N.). Scope and Method of Political Economy. Macmillan.

LOCH (C. S.). An Examination of General Booth's, 1891, Social' Scheme. [Adopted by the Council of the London Charity Organization Society.] Swan Sonnenschein, December, 1890.

LONGSTAFF (G. B.). Studies in Statistics. Edward Stanford.

MACKAY (THOM.S) [Editor.] A Plea for Liberty. [Essays by Various Writers.] Murray.

Macleod (H. D.). Theory of Credit. Longmans.

MALLET, C.B. (the late Sir Lous). Free Exdhange. Edited by Bernard Mallet. Kegan Paul & Co.

MAyoR (JAMES). The Scottish Railway Strike, 1891: A History and Criticism. Edinburgh: William Brown, 1891.

MONTAGUE (F. C.). Fragment on Government by Jeremy Bentham. Clarendon Press.

National Liberal Club: Political Economy Circle Transactions. Vol. I. King & Son.

Price (L. L.). A Short History of Political' Economy in England. Methuen & Co.

RHs (J. A.). How the Other Half Lives: Studies among the Tenements of New York. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1890.

Ritchie (DAVID G.). Principles of State Interference. [Social Science Series.] Swan Sonnenschein.

SAY (L.) and CHAILLE (J.). Nouveau Dictionnaire d'Économie Politique. [Vol. I. from A to I.] Paris: Guillaumin.

SCHMOLLER (G.). Zur deutschen Social-und Gewerbepolitik der Gegenwart [Collected Essays and Addresses]. Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot.

SMITH (H. LLEWELLYN). Modern Changes in the Mobility of Labour. (A Report to the Toynbee Trustees.)

STUBBS. The Land and the Labourers: Facts and Experiments in Cottage Farming and Co-operative Agriculture. Swan Sonnenschein.

WINTER (A.). Die New-Yorker staatliche Besserungsanstalt zu Elmira. Berlin: Reimer.

WIRTH (M 0. Geschichte der Handelskrisen. 4te vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage. Frankfurt: Lauerl,nder.