Page:The Folk-Lore Journal Volume 3 1885.djvu/196

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"Bare bull of Orange return to me,
For three fine babes I bore to thee,
And climbed a glass hill for thee,
Bare bull of Orange return to me."

I recollect the beginning and the end of the story tolerably well, but I have forgotten the part which relates to the wife's adventures when she goes in search of her husband. If this be a genuine English wonder-tale I should wish to preserve it, but hitherto I have been unable to learn whether it is of home or foreign growth. M.P.

Legend of Danish Prince.—In what collection of Scotch legends does the history of the Danish prince who attempted to sail round a whirlpool occur? M.P.


Biblioteca de las Tradiciones populares Españoles. Tomes iv. v. and vi. Director, Antonio Machado y Alvarez. Madrid : Libreria de Fernando Fe, Carrera San Jeronimo, 2.

Three more volumes of this valuable series have appeared. Vol. iv. contains a collection of Gallician folk-lore by various authors, headed by Doña Emilia Prado Bazán, founder and president of the Folk-Lore Society of Gallicia, a continuation of the translation of Nyder's book on witches and demons by Sr. D. Montoto, and a continuation of the popular customs of Andalusia. Vol. v. is a collection of various papers on folk-lore by Sr. D. Antonio Machado y Álvarez, all full of interest. Vol. vi. is entitled, "Notes for a Topographical-traditional Map of Burguillos, in the province of Badajoz," by Sr. D. M. R. Martínez. It gives a history of the town, with the names and traditions of all streets, lanes, roads, fields, &c. as well as of the streams round it. The names are arranged in alphabetical order. The work is introduced by Sr. D. A. Machado y Álvarez in an eloquent preface,