Page:The Folk-Lore Journal Volume 3 1885.djvu/416

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Hagge, a fairy, 141

Hair, unlucky to comb, when friends are at sea, 309

Halifax, local rhyme on, 88

Hampshire, rhyme on, 82, 84

Hand, itching of the, 91

Hare, unlucky to fisher-folk, 182, 308

Hartland (E. Sidney): The Forbidden Chamber, 193-242 ; The Science of Folh-Lore, 115-121

Hay, a country dance, 143

Head, pins stuck into produce trans- formation, folk-tale incident, 291

itching of the, 90

Head-dress of unmarried Esthonian women, 162

Hedge-hog in Mongolian folk-tale, 312-313

Hereford, rhyme on, 82, 85, 86

Herefordshire, rhyme on, 83, 85

Hero tales, a section of folk-lore, 5

Herring fishing, customs during, 180

Herring, king of fish, 183

Herring Peel or Pond, name given to the sea, 52

Herts, Mayers' song in, 185-186

Hindi proverbs, 25-38

Hit, a fairy, 147, 150

Hitchen Mayers' song, parallel to, 185- 186

Hobgoblin, a fairy, 149

Hobin,the nursery horse, 149

Hogs, Hampshire, 82, 84-85

Hood-wink, a game played by the nymphs, 138

Hoopoe, in folk-tale incidents, 249-250

Hop, a fairy, 147

Hope (R. C): Itching A^iffuries, 90-91

Hopkins (Matthew), quoted on witch- craft, 146

Hornpipes, danced by the nymphs, 138

Horns of ox, treasure found in, 320-321

Horse, domestication of, 320

, origin of the, Mongolian, 319,


Horse-shoe, luck of, in boat, 307

House-building, stones used for, un- lucky as boat ballast, 180

House-fairy, 142

Houses, origin of, 327

Huns, Mongolian legends of the, 317, 318

Hunting legends, Mongolian, 318

Huntingdonshire, rhyme on, 82, 85

Husband, transformed into prince at night, folk-tale incident, 293

Icelandic folk-tale of " forbidden cham- ber" group, 196, 200, 220 Ilemazar, a fairy imp, 147 Incidents in folk-tales, 1, 12, 93 India, folk-tales of, 56-79, 121-133, 242-256, 328-366

, tabulation of, 170-179

Indian (North) proverbs, 16-44 Insects, killing of, in Indian folk-tales,

78 Irish folk-lore, 274-278

folk-tale of "forbidden chamber"

group, 232

mythology, 91-92

story from county Kerry, 257-267

Italian folk-lore books reviewed, 286-

287 folk-tales of " forbidden cham- ber" group, 196, 199, 200, 204, 213, 224, 229 Itching auguries, 90-91

Jackal, in folk-tale incidents, 71-74, 132-133, 353-355, 363

Jasonian cycle of stories, 202

Jijrs, danced by the nymphs, 138

Jill, a fairy, 147, 150

Jin, a fairy, 147, 150

Judgments (legal) in folk-tale inci- dents, 338-348

Karen folk-tale of forbidden chamber

group, 237 Kent, characteristics of, 82, 83-84 Kerry, story from, 257-267 Kinahan (G. H.): Burning-dralies,

282 ; Dog-bites, 282 ; Bo7iegal Folk-

Lore, 274-278 King, election of, among the Kirghis,


Lach-Szyrma (Rev. W. S.): Cornish Tradition alout the Epijjhany, 186 Lancashire, rhyme on, 83, 86 Larner (A. A.), tabulation of folk-tales,

172-179 Law, courts of, in Indian folk-tales, 338-348

relationship of, to folk-lore, 7-8

Leechcraft, fishermen's, 311 Leicestershire, rhyme on, 83, 85 Leland (Charles G.): Algonquin Le- gends of New England, review of, 95 Leopard, in folk-tale incidents, 269-270 Leprechaun, an Irish fairy, 153-154 Letchworth (Herts), Mayers' song at, 185-186