Page:The Folk-Lore Journal Volume 7 1889.djvu/287

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A. La! that is zome’hat vor to hatch!
  Here answer me theäse little catch.
  “Down under water an’ o’ top o’t
  I went, an’ didden touch a drop o’t,”

J. Not when at mowèn time I took
  An’ pull’d ye out o’ Longmeäd brook,
  Where you’d a-slidder’d down the edge
  An’ zunk knee-deep bezide the zedge,
  A-tryèn to reäke out a clote.[1]

A. Aye I do hear your chucklèn droat
  When I athirt the brudge did bring
  Zome water on my head vrom spring.
  Then under water an’ o’ top o’t,
  Wer I an’ didden touch a drop o’t.

J. O Lauk! What thik wold riddle still,
  Why that’s as wold as Duncliffe Hill;
  “A two-lagg’d thing do run avore
  An’ run behind a man.
  An’ never run upon his lags
  Though on his lags do stan’.”
  What’s that? I don’t think you do know.

A. There idden sich a thing to show.

J. Not know! Why yonder by the stall
  ’S a wheel-barrow bezide the wall,
  Don’t he stand on his lags so trim,
  An’ run on nothèn but his wheel’s wold rim.

A. There’s horn vor Goodman’s eye-zight seäke;
  There’s horn vor Goodman’s mouth to teäke;
  There’s horn vor Goodman’s ears, as well
  As horn vor Goodman’s nose to smell.
  What horns be they, then? Do your hat
  Hold wit enough to tell us that?

J. Oh! horns! but no, I’ll tell ye what,
  My cow is hornless, an’ she’s knot.[2]

A. Horn vor the mouth’s a hornèn cup.

J. An’ eäle’s good stuff to vill en up.

  1. The yellow water-lily (Nuphar lutea).
  2. A term used to signify a hornless cow.