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The Green Bag

Jan. 2 Judge Vann was the guest of honor at a dinner tendered him by the Oswego County Bar Association at Os wego. On Jan. 6 Judges Vann and Haight were honored at a dinner given by the Albany Bar Association. They are succeeded in the Court of Appeals by Judges Hogan and Cuddeback, who were elected in November.

the Nebraska State Bar Association at Omaha Dec. 30, defended the integ rity of the American judiciary and con demned what he said was a disposition to criticize the courts. He declared that of all the branches of the Government, the judicial, in his opinion, was the least subject to the exercise of arbitrary power, to scandal, or improper influ ences. Mr. Kellogg said he believed it Mr. John Kennish, having completed to be a fact that the Supreme Court of his term of service as Judge of the. the United States is the most progres Supreme Court of Missouri, has re sive and liberal branch of this Govern sumed the practice of the law and has ment, and that it has always been become a member of the firm of New, solicitous for the rights of the people. Kennish & Krauthoff, with offices in "The people," he said, "who are de the Gloyd Building, Kansas City, Mis nouncing the Supreme Court as reac souri. tionary and the 'last resort of the vested interests' should remember that but The Sherman anti-trust law is prov ing its adequacy as a civil statute, and for the decisions of that Court, com there is no necessity for the much mencing with those written by John Marshall and ending with the latest discussed proposed amendment particu decision under the commerce clause, larizing unlawful practices in restraint the nation would have been powerless of trade, according to George W. Wickerbefore the greatest combinations of wealth sham, Attorney-General of the United and power that any age has ever seen." States, in his annual report submitted to Congress Dec. 5. On the other hand, however, the Attorney-General does not Pennsylvania. — A midwinter meet pass judgment upon the efficacy of the ing of the Law Reform and Executive anti-trust act as a criminal statute. Committees of the Pennsylvania Bar He merely says: "The experience of the Association was held at Philadelphia last year in endeavoring to enforce Dec. 28. The Committee on Law Re criminal liability under the Sherman form will have the bills recommended by law has not been encouraging." The the Association at the last annual ses Attorney-General defends the Com merce Court, the abolition of which was sion introduced in the legislature. They are as follows: (1) "An Act regulating attempted at the last session of Con gress. A return to the old methods of trial by jury in civil causes in courts of distributing litigation arising from the record of this Commonwealth," which orders of the Inter-State Commerce requires the trial judge, at the request Commission to the district courts would of either party, to direct the jury, in addition to the general verdict ren be injurious to the interests of the pub lic and delay the administration of dered by it, to answer specific questions submitted by the parties, the answers justice, says Mr. Wickersham. to be recorded with the general ver dict; (2) "An Act providing what effect Bar Associations Nebraska. — Frank B. Kellogg of St. shall be given to admission to practice Paul, speaking before the meeting of in the Supreme Court when the person