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Reviews of Books Yet Professor Hershey's work has the freshness which comes from a contem porary reformulation of the whole subject in an entirely new text-book. The arrangement of the contents, moreover, is excellent. The division into sections dealing with "subjects" and "objects" of international law, and with adjective as opposed to substantive international law, is perspicuous, and the grouping of a great amount of illustrative and bibliographical matter in footnotes re lieves the text of the burden of non essential detail. A succinct text such as this, prepared with conscientious care, is itself a considerable boon. The bibli ographical notes are full and constitute one of the chief merits of the book. Unless a less sketchy outline of the subject is desired, no recent work on inter national law is likely to be found of more all-round helpfulness, either for purposes of instruction or for general use.


the historical development of the trust movement in the United States. The work is admirable and shows painstaking and intelligent effort skil fully directed. It must prove a valuable aid to students and general readers who desire to form an independent opinion on this all important subject. While the book is not all comprehensive it contains a wealth of material that will do more to educate the intelligent reader than many volumes of exposition on par tisan polemics. L M. F.

BAR ASSOCIATION REPORTS The report of the thirty-fifth annual meeting of the American Bar Association at Milwaukee last August (see 24 Green Bag 468) is worthy of use as a reference work on account of the important committee reports. The president's address was read by Stephen S. Gregory of Chicago, who commented upon Congressional action and important developments in federal and state statute law. In the annual address, Frank B. Kellogg of St. Paul discussed the initia tive and referendum, which he favors under cer tain conditions, and the recall, to which when DOCUMENTS ON THE TRUSTS applied to judges he is opposed. Other papers Industrial Combinations and Trusts. Edited comprised a symposium on the general topic, by William S. Stevens, Ph.D., Columbia University, "The American Judicial System," divided into Macmillan Co.. New York. Pp. xvi, 593. ($2 net.) three sub-topics: "The Judges," by Henry D. Estabrook, New York; "The Lawyers," by THE editor of this volume has at Joseph C. France, Baltimore; and "The Proce tempted to present the materials dure," by Frederic N. Judson, St. Louis. The at first hand concerning trusts and the papers read before the Section of Legal Educa trust problem . Original documents, such tion were of particular interest and value: "The Relation of Legal Education to Simplicity in as pooling agreements, factors and inter national agreements, court decisions, Procedure," by Chief Justice John B. Winslow of Wisconsin; "The Importance of Actual Ex statutes, legislative investigations, are perience at the Bar as a Preparation for Law collected together and laid before the Teaching;" by Dean Harlan F. Stone, Columbia reader. Very wisely Professor Stevens University Law School; and "The Recent has not attempted to use his material Movement toward the Realization of High to demonstrate any theory or advocate Ideals in the Legal Profession," by Charles A. Boston of New York. The increase in member any panacea. He has two objects ship was encouraging, 564 new members having in mind: to place within reach of been e'ected during the year. The association students in colleges material which would had 5584 members at the time of the August otherwise be "too often difficult of access meeting. or else altogether unavailable"; and The Proceedings of the thirty-third annual secondly to give the ordinary reader session of the Ohio State Bar Association, held an opportunity to study at first hand at Cedar Point last July, contain the president's