Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 25.pdf/382

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The Legal World solve theJames increasing complex problems Justice W. Gerard of the New of modern industry. Samuel Rosenbaum 'Personalof Philadelphia, who took his law degree at the Univer sity of Pennsylvania in June and was editor-in-chief of the Law Register, has been awarded the Francis I. Gowen Fellowship, which will enable him to spend one year in England and one year in Germany, both in research work for the university. In his undergraduate days Mr. Rosenbaum popularized grand opera in the university, and was known as the most famous debater the Univer sity of Pennsylvania had ever had. A dispatch stating the possibility of Sir Rufus Isaacs being made Lord Chief Justice in England, in the event of the office becoming vacant, seems to have led some American newspapers to assume that Lord Alverstone was dead. Though completely broken in health, and ex pected to retire at any time, Lord Alverstone was alive up to the time when this magazine went to press. President Wilson has nominated Jere miah Neterer of Bellingham, Wash., as United States Judge for the western district of Washington. Judge Neterer served on the Whatcom county Superior Court bench for eight years. He was born on a farm near Goshen, Ind., and took his law degree at Valparaiso University. He has lived in Bellingham twenty-three years, was city attorney of the consolidated cities of Whatcom and New Whatcom in 1893, and chair man of the board of trustees of the State Normal School in Bellingham from its opening until he went upon the bench.


York Supreme Court, who has been made Ambassador to Germany, is now forty-six years old, a son of James W. Gerard, who was a state senator, a member of the Board of Education, and one of the best known members of the New York bar. He was graduated from Columbia in 1890, studied at the New York Law School, being admitted to the bar in 1892. He entered the office of Bowers & Sands, and at the age of thirty-four became a member of the firm. He was elected a Justice of the Supreme Court in 1907. Before going on the bench he was for four years Chairman of the Democratic Campaign Committee of New York County. Mr. Gerard has traveled extensively and is fond of outdoor life, having achieved some note as a hunter in Scotland, Eng land, and this country. TheThe following Jlcademic honorary Roll ofdegrees Honor were conferred at the recent commencement exercises of the universities: — Gray, "A judge Johnwho Clinton, in theLL.Court D. Harvard. of Appeals of New York for a quarter of a century has earned the veneration of the bench and bar." Miiller, Lauro Severiano, LL.D. Harvard. "Brazilian Minister of Foreign Affairs; maker of harbors and of railroads, beautifier of a beauti ful city; a statesman who has waged war against slavery and disease, a soldier who strives for peace and for that friendly spirit which per vading the Americas will promote the welfare of the western world." Cadwalader, John Lambert, LL.D. Harvard. "A lawyer with the strength for great respon sibilities, a citizen whose character has added dignity to an honored name." Wetmore, Edmund, LL.D. Harvard. "A distinguished son of Harvard who has served the University by his labors on her behalf and by the eminence of his career at the bar." Sutherland, George, LL.D. Columbia. United States Senator from Utah.