Page:The Green Overcoat.djvu/127

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it all down in the official shorthand. Habit compelled him to make the outline, "The Prisoner persistently denied——" He scratched it out and put, "The Professor told us that he had not——" Then came the second question—

"In what part of the town, sir, might it be that you knew yourself again, sir, so to speak?"

"I have told you, close by here," said Professor Higginson.

"Yes, but coming which way like?"

Here was a magnificent opening! He had never thought of that. He considered what was the most central quarter of the town, what least suggested a suburb. He remembered a dirty old mid-Victorian church, now the cathedral, in the heart of the city, and he said—

"St. Anne's, it was close to St. Anne's."

Then he remembered—most luckily—that there were witnesses to his having come up the street from exactly the opposite quarter, and he added—

"At least that 's where I began to remember a little; but I wandered about, I didn't remember the street for a good hour, and even when I came here I was still troubled … Mrs. Randle will tell you——"