Page:The Green Overcoat.djvu/329

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In which the Green Overcoat triumphs and comes home.

In a couple of minutes Mr. Kirby returned. He had Mr. Brassington closely locked by the right arm, and was walking easily with him into the room. Booby sheepishly followed.

"Mr. McAuley," said Mr. Kirby genially, "this is Mr. Brassington."

Young men do not control their faces well (unless they are the sons of scoundrels and have inherited their fathers' talents). Jimmy looked exactly like a man who knows nothing of the sea and has just come to the lump on the bar.

Mr. Brassington gave a very violent movement, which Mr. Kirby, his arm securely linked in his friend's, checked with a wrench of iron.

"You don't know Professor Higginson, I think, do you, Brassington?"