Page:The Hare.djvu/174

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ceding the last day's running, how the prizes are to be divided; and shall give a statement of expenses, if called upon to do so by any six of the subscribers, within fourteen days after the meeting.

2. Ex-Officio Stewards.—Members of the National Coursing Club present at any Coursing Meeting shall be ex-officio Stewards of such Meeting, together with the Stewards elected by the subscribers present on the first evening of the meeting, provided always that such Stewards ex-officio shall not exceed three. The Members of the National Coursing Club, being ex-officio Stewards at any Meeting, shall have power to deal summarily with all cases of a fraudulent or discreditable character brought before them during the Meeting, and their decision shall be final, unless an application in writing be lodged with the Secretary within twenty-four hours demanding a rehearing at the first Meeting thereafter of the National Coursing Club, either in London or Liverpool, as the appellant may decide, and lodging in the hands of the Secretary the sum of 10l., which shall be forfeited if the case is not submitted to such meeting of the National Coursing Club for re-hearing, and also may be forfeited if, on the re-hearing, the National Coursing Club shall so decide. Members of the National Coursing Club may be elected by the subscribers as Stewards of a Meeting.

3. Election of Judge.—The Judge may either be appointed by the Secretary and Committee acting under Rule 1, in which case his name shall be announced simultaneously with the Meeting, or elected by the votes of the subscribers taking nominations; but each subscriber shall have only one vote, whatever the number of his nominations. Not less than ten days' notice of