Page:The Hare.djvu/175

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the day of election shall be given to the subscribers, and the appointment shall be published at least a fortnight before the Meeting. The names of the subscribers voting, with the votes given by them, shall be recorded in a book open to the inspection of the Stewards, who shall declare the number of votes for each Judge, if called upon to do so by any of the subscribers. When a Judge is prevented from attending or finishing a Meeting, the Committee and the Stewards (if appointed) shall have the power of deciding what is to be done.

4. Description of Entry.—Every subscriber to a stake must name his dog before the time fixed for closing the entry, giving the names (the running names, if they had any) of the sire and dam of the dog entered. The Secretary shall publish on the cards the names of those who are subscribers, but do not comply with these conditions. These nominations shall not be drawn, but must be paid for. For Produce Stakes the names, pedigrees, ages, colours, and distinguishing marks of puppies shall be detailed in writing to the Secretary of a Meeting at the time of the original entry in all Puppy Stakes, and a subscriber must, if required, state in writing to the Secretary, before or during the Meeting for which such entry is made, the names and addresses of the parties who reared his puppies; and any puppy whose marks and pedigree shall be proved not to correspond with the entry given shall be disqualified, and the whole of its stakes or winnings forfeited. No greyhound is to be considered a puppy which was whelped before the first of January of the year preceding the commencement of the season of running. A sapling is a greyhound whelped on or after the first of January of the year in which the season of running commenced.