Page:The History of the American Indians.djvu/382

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370 An Account of the Chikkafah Nation.

Anno 1767, the fuper-intendant's deputy convened all the Chikkafah traders and head-men of the nation, declaring that he had received pofitivc orders from the fuperior over Indian affairs, to bring the trade to the late ilandard of the Mufkohge. The head-men replied, that if their traders, or the fuper-intendant acted unwifely, they were not bound to follow the copy. We urged, that he had already exceedingly lowered the Mifli- fippi-Indian trade, and had, at the Mobille congrefs, fixed a Tariff, a copy of which every one of us had, as well as a regular licence, having given approved fecurity for our peaceable conduct, and fair dealing with the Indians, for the fpace of a year: and that befides the wrong policy of fuch an edict, as he now propofed, if we proved rogues to our own interefl with them, we ought to be arrefted as fools below. We concluded, by obferving the great difadvantage of navigation that Mobille lay under, to which Charles-town was no way expofed in imports and exports ; and that if the aforefaid Indian trade mould, by any act be reduced below its prefent ftandard, it muft necefiarily ceafe of itfelf, unlefs as free-men, we faid No to the command. Which the traders did, and refolved to fupport it.

The deputies treatment of Capt. J. C 1 b rt, who has lived among the Chikkafah from his childhood, and fpeaks their language even with more propriety than the Englifh, deferves to be recorded but I hope the gentleman will foon do it himfelf, to (hew the higher powers the confequences of appointing improper, mercenary, and haughty perfons to fuch offices. Sir William J.ohnfon acted very differently he was kind, intelligent, intrepid he knew when to frown and when to fmile on the In dian nations he was connected with, and blended the ferpent with the dove.- He chofe his deputies or reprefentatives in the Indian countries, according to their qualifications in the Indian life ; and not unfkilful men, and mere ftrangers, like fome who have been obtruded into our fouthern nations. His prudent and brave deputy CoL Craghan, did our chain of colonies more real fervice in a few months, than all our late fouthern commhTioners of Indian af fairs could poffibly have done in ages. In the dangerous time of our fettling the Illinois -garrifon, 500 leagues up the Miffifippi, he went from Johnfon's Hall, in the lower part of the Mohawk country, and from thence conrfed through the various nations of Indians, to the head-branches of Canada ; and in like manner, down thofe of the Mifiifippi, to the garrifon, amidft the greateft dangers ; pleaiing and reconciling the favages as he proceeded.

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