Page:The Holy Bible faithfvlly translated into English ovt of the authentical Latin, diligently conferred with the Hebrew, Greek, & other Editions in diuers languages.pdf/981

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Chap. V.

Eliphaz prosecuteth his discourse to conuince Iob of great sinnes, because he is so vehemently afflicted: 17. exhorteth him therfore to acknowledge his sinnes, so al things shal succeed prosperously.

CAL therfore [1] if there be that wil answer thee, and ″ turn to some of the Saints. 2Anger indeed killeth the foolish, and enuie sleaeth the litle one. 3I haue seene a foole with firme roote, and I cursed his beautie by and by. 4His children shal be made far from saluation, and shal be destroyed in the gate, and there shal be none to deliuer. 5Whose haruest the hungrie shal eate, and the armed shal take him by violence, and the thirstie shal drinke his riches. 6Nothing in the earth is done without a cause, and out of the ground sorrow shall not rise. 7 [2] Man is borne to labour, and the bird to flight. 8For the which thing I wil besech our Lord, and toward God I wil set my speach: 9Who doeth great and vnsearchable and meruelous things without number: 10Who giueth raine vpon the face of the earth, and watereth al things with waters: 11Who setteth the humble on high, and them that are in heauinesse he comforteth with health: 12Who dissipateth the cogitations of the malignant, that their hands can not accomplish that which they began: 13Who apprehendeth the wise in their subtilitie, and dissipateth the counsel of the wicked: 14By day they shal incurre darkenesse, and as it were in the night, so shal they grope at noone daies. 15Moreouer he shal saue the needy from the sword of their mouth, and the poore from the hand of the violent. 16And to the needie there shal be hope, but iniquitie shal draw together her mouth. 17Blessed is the man that is corrected of God: refuse not therfore the chastising of our Lord: 18Because he woundeth, and cureth: striketh, & his hands shal heale. 19In [3] six tribulations he shal deliuer thee, and in the [4] seuenth euil shal not touch thee. 20In famine he shal deliuer thee from death, and in battel from the hand of the sword. 21From the scourge of the tongue thou shalt be hid; and thou shalt not feare calamitie when it commeth. 22In waste and famine thou shalt laugh, & the beasts of the earth thou shalt not feare. 23But with the stones of the landes thy couenant, and the beasts of the earth shal be peaceable to thee. 24And thou shalt know that thy tabernacle hath peace, and visiting thy beautie, thou shalt not sinne. 25Thou shalt know also that thy seed shal be manifold, and thy progenie as the grasse of the earth. 26Thou shalt enter into the graue in abundance, as a heape of wheate is caryed in his time. 27Behold, this is euen so, as we haue searched out: which thou hauing heard reuolue in thy mind.

H hhhhh 3
  1. This disputer hauing pretended an imaginarie vision from God against Iob, now he supposeth that neither God nor Angel nor other holie person wil patronage his cause, nor iudge of his case as he doth, but that al wil condemne him of impatience, follie, envie, & other sinnes.
  2. This Prouerb importeth that a man must not thinke to passe his life without trauel, but must get his bread with sweat of his browes, or suffer other calamities.
  3. Gods goodnes deliuereth his seruants the space of this laborious life:
  4. And most especially in the houre of death. S. Greg. li. 6. c. 18.