Page:The Hymns of the Rigveda Vol 1.djvu/674

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Ushṇih: consisting of three Pâdas of 8 + 8 + 12 syllables.

Vardhamânâ: a species of Gâyatrî: 6 + 7+ 8 = 21 syllables.

Viparîtâ: a metre of four Pâdas resembling Vishṭârapankti.

Virâḍrûpâ: a Trishțup metre of four Pâdas, 11 + 11 + 11 + 7 or 8 syllables.

Virâj: a metre of four Pâdas of ten syllables each.

Virâṭpûrvâ: a variety of Trishṭup.

Viraṭsthânâ: a variety of Trishṭup.

Vishamapadâ: metre of uneven stanzas.

Vishṭârabṛihatî: a form of Bṛihatî of four Pâdas containing 8 + 10 + 10 + 8 = 36 syllables.

Vishṭârapankti: a form of Pankti consisting of four Pâdas of 8 + 12 + 12 + 8 = 40 syllables.

Yavamadhyâ: a metre having a longer Pâda between two shorter ones.