Page:The Immortal Six Hundred.djvu/211

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his sick comrades. Grand old hero, your name is engraved upon our hearts; we can bear testimony for you before the bar of God. Dear old Capt. Ed Chambers, have you passed to your reward? You carried out the command of the divine Master, "love thy neighbor as thyself." Capt. Lewis Harman, 12th Va. Cav., generous with whatever he had. Lieut. Tom S. Doyle and Capt. J. L. Hempstead, doing all that men could do to better the condition of their sick comrades. And Lieut. Peter B. Akers—dear old Pete, the soul of generosity, the most unselfish man I ever knew in all my life; never thinking of himself, always doing for others. When it is God's pleasure to call dear old Pete over the line, I feel sure no crown in the kingdom of God's love will be brighter than that which will be given to P. B. Akers. All these dear old comrades were nature's noblemen; the leaven which God in His goodness gave to man, to lead him up to the higher life. As I gaze at the photo-