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THE MORNING CALL, SAN FRANCISCO, h WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1890- EIGHT PAGES. 1883, was on trial before Judge Hunt and a does not like his proper name and fur sevenTHOUGHT HIMINSANE His has used that of Baker. CONDITION OF TRADE. jury yesterday." After the testimony was teen years asked the abandoning liis own name all in, the defendant's reason for past

Witnesses Slate That Pratt Acted

A Medical Expert Gives His Opinion of the Case— Kelalicns Between Pratt and Eromweil. • Judge Murphy's court-room was crowded yesterday morning when the l'ratt trial was resumed. lhe cross-examination of the defend ant was proceeded with, and lv reply to numerous questions on the part of the prosecution, be denied that Ire bad lived « ith his wile since the night of the .boating, but admitted that be bad remained in the bouse with her for a time to nurse her aud

on account of his children. He had not, he staled, promised lo live with her again, but bad promised frieuds to consider It. A question lelaltve to her physical condition at Ural time was objected to by the defense, and Ibe objection was sustained, the Judge being of the opinion that It was Irrelevant and Indelicate. 'Ibe defendant was positive that lie had not told a reporter In an luleivlew subsequent to the -hooting that bis wife was a pure woman. "How frequently," he was ashed, "did liromwell visit your house after February, 1889?" "Never to my knowledge. He might have sneaked lv. Before that be and bis wife were frequent visitors at my bouse." THOUGHT HE WAS CRAZY. Miss Bessie Barnes testified to having lived io the bouse with l'ratt for several years, ami was there on the night lor to the Shooting, l'ratt bad told her of his wile's confession and seemed lobe laboring uuder great excitement. Sire and ber sister had bum remarked it, and she gave it as bet opinion trialhe looked aud acted 11*6 a crazy man. A recess was then taken until 2 o'clock In the

Though Quiet, Shows Some Improvement.


as a Crazy Man.

The Western Passenger Association Fails to Agree. The Western States Passenger Association held a meeting in Chicago on Monday. This meeting developed at least one fact that will please the tourist. The officials of the roads represented are not yet ready to restore the old rates, and consequently .10 willbe the price of tickets for at least a week. At the next meeting, however, better results are hoped for, and in all probability the old rates will be restored. The clerks at Fourth and Townsend streets have at last decided upon a date and place for tho annual picnic. Itwillbe held on the _*->_ of the preseut month at Forest Grove, in the Santa Cruz Mountains. A new time-table on the Coast Division of the Southern Pacific will soon go into effect. Alimited express to Monterey will be put on for the Bummer, A regular Sunday excursion train for Baden will be run. Tho Southern Pacific Company expects to do a good busiu. ss inland tho coming sea-


nonsuit. The jury was excused, and the court granted the motion, holding that Fallon's death was the result of his own negligence. JllillilllQßHffi court to grant a


The Advance in Cereils— The Coffee Trade. Coal Futures Easier— Ths Lumber Market— A Few Figures.

As far as current figures are an Indication, the condition of trade is not at all bad. We are behind 1888 in bank clearings and failures, but are ahead iv .-Doits. The crop outlooK is getThe leading farm prodting better every ucts, _ucli as wheat, barley, oats and corn, are

all considerably higher than tbey have been. Jobbers in groceries and merchandise report a fair movement to Hie interior. Money Is easier and ln slowly increasing supply. Taken all In all, the situation ls encouraging. San Fiancisco Clearing- ise exchanges In April were $70,980,274, against $04,706,134 ln April,1889. For the past four mouths of the year they were {240,084,822. against $259,--816,858 during the same peiiod last year. The Uraustreet Mercantile Agency reports 78 failures In the i'.icrlic Coast States and Territories for the urolith of April, with assets at $320,012 aud liabilities .575,232, as compared with 100 for Ihe previous month, with assets at 201,300, and 03 $549,525 and liabilities at lor lhe corresponding month of 1889, with assets $152,708 at aud liabilities $302,322. Collections are hardly as prompt as they have beeu, the chief complaints being of distant couu-

To the Readers of the CALL.


Some unscrupulous persons are selling an imitation of the celebrated Carlsbad Sprudel Salt. The following circular has therefore been issued by the city of Carlsbad:

The genuine Carlsbad Salt is largely imitated by unscrupulous parties in the United States. To protect the public and the medical profession from such imposition, we hereby caution every one to be sure to obtain the genuine article, which is put up in round bottles only, and has the signature of Eisner & Mendelson Co., New York, Sole Agents for the United States, on every bottle and on the outside cartoon.

The genuine article is sold only in round bottles. Each bottle comes in a paper cartoon. All others are worthless imitations.


Mayor of the City of Carlsbad

Loebel Schottlaender,
Sole Lessee of the The Springs at Carlsbad.

EISNER & MENDELSON Co. Sole Agents for U.S.

ap6 10t SuWe

'- '



at the Presidio. Militnry Jottings.

These are busy days at the Presidio on account of the departure or the batteries of the First


Artillery Regiment oa Thursday. Everything belonging to the butler lias been packed la large cases and chests, aud the army mule of the teamsters Is doing extraordinary work Inhauling Ibe baggage to the railroad for shipment.

Even the mess-room dishes have beeu packed with the other articles owned by batteries and the soldiers aie put on camp utensils, consisting of a tin cup and a pan of the same material, with a binge handle, so that Itcan be used at the same time as a frying pan. Monday was again the welcome one day in the month— pay day and the last forthe regiment In California. Light Battery £ willleave for Fort Douglas, Division of the Missouri, to-day or at furthest to-morrow, the others on Thursday. Batteries L (Fort Mason) and M (Alcatraz Island) willleave upon the arrival of the Filth's batteries assigned to duty In this harbor, which will _c about the loth lnst. Troop. A and Kof the Second Cavalry willleave the l'resldio about the _-ib lust. Two companies of Infantry will garrison the post In the meantime. The House Military Committee has given Us sanction to the measure aud the three battalion reorganization billis In a way at last to becoms a law. The Wheeler bill, which willbe the basis of the measure reported on, provides that the line of the army shall consist of twenty-live reelini'iiisof inlaulry, ten of cavalry, seveu of artillery and on. of eugiueers, officers of lue corps of engineers to bo detailed to ihe latter. Regiments will consist ol three battailous and twelve companies, and the I'iesldeiit will be authorized to consolidate lhe enlisted men assigned to a leg* linent lv such number of companies as can be officered by the number of officers usually on duty. The Cutcheon bill, requiring promotions below the grade or a lirlgdier-Ueneial to be made accoidiug to seniority, Is Included as an amendment. Colonel Alfred L. Hough of the Ninth Infantry, days wbo was retired on account of ago a ago, entered lhe voluuteer service of a few I'eiiu-.vlvaula leglmeut as a Sergeant in the first month of the Rebellion. Soou after lie was appointed a Captain of the Nineteenth United States Infantry, for various acts ot gallantry received brevets, and since August, lti.S, had been Colo. uel of the Ninth. The promotions consequent upon bis leliiemenl ate the following: Lieut* ant-Colonel Charles G. Barileit, First, to he Colonel Ninth; Major James S. Casey, Seventeenth, to be Lieutenant-Colonel First; Captain Harry C. Egbert, Twelfth, to be Major Seventeenth; First Lieutenant A. V. Tassln to be Cap!_l_, and Second Lieutenant C. 11. llailh to be First Lieutenant ot the l ,-it in. The Tost Chaplain, nip!! have been tilled by tire appointment of Rev. R. R. Lowell of Vermont and Father J. L. (ialviu. There were about -lull candidates for the two vacancies, many applications having been tiled early in the Administralie Roy. Mr. Lowe'l repretion In anticipation. I sents the* Methodist Episcopal denomination, and Is one of the few candidates with a war record, having served as a private In a Vermont regiment duilug the Rebellion. He is the only Chaplain ever appointed from Vermont, Father Galvin of Ohio is a Catholic, strongly indorsed

, 'i i




SALMON AND TROUT. Collection and Distribution of Their Eggs. A meeting of the Flsb Commissioners was beld yesterday at 220 Sutler street, Senator Eoutler In the chair. J. ('. Woodbury, Superintendent of Hatcheries, reported that since the last meeting of the board be had been to Lake Taboe lobegin tbe spring work there, lie found the snow still veiy deep, tire bouse being entirety buried. The flume was badly damaged and extensive repairs were found necessary. Some delay was caused by the roads being blocked, and a steamer and scow were cbarteied to take the outfit up to the mouth of Taylor Creek. After providing for me comfort of the expedition, the seines were drawn for several nights, but only a few fish were caught. The streams were low, the water cold and the season was backward. What spawn was obtained was sent lo the hatchery at Tahoe. Tbe Woodbury, assistants 01 Mr. Messrs. Hunt and Leuton. will continue fishing until the hatchery Is fun of eggs. Mr. Woodbury went to Slsson and found the _._,o__ oiin_ salmon In good older. At Shovel Creek 1,200.000 trout eggs were taken. Arrang menu beeu made Willi the Nor'h Pacllic Game and Fish Club to receive 100,000 trout ecus from Shovel Creek ana hatch them out at Ie ii Ellen and distribute the young trout Into Sonoma Crr-ek and the Russian Klver aud Its blanches. The club will do this free ot co to lire State. Arrangements have also beeo made with .Mr. Knox and Mr. Green lo have them leceive 50,000 eyed trout eggs from Shovel Creek, winch they will send to the hatchery on Los Gatos Creek. They will hatch out these eggs and distribute the young Dab, one-ball Into the beadwaleis of Los Gatos Creek and one-half lulu the waters of San Lorenzo Cieer. Flay thousand trout eggs will be shipped to Alexander BadUun's new hatchery near Mount St. Helena. These eggs w 111 be a good addition 10 the streams aud cost but little tv the stale, hour hundred thousand uoul*eggs will be shipped this week from Shovel Cieek lo the hatchery at Slsson. as soou as lhe roads are open to McCluud the Eastern trout willbe stripped there and to Mr. Stanford's at Vina; also lo the west fork of the Sacramento l'.rver. Shasta aud l_lg Springs ln Siskiyou County. Mr. Woodbury's energy was favorably commented ou by tire Commissioners. Ihe monthly report of F. B. Callundan, Chief if Patrol, was ibeu read. The cases of the Chinese re-ted fur fishing with bag nets have all been disposed of. That of Van Cbing was dismissed by Judge Klx,on account of being out jurisdiction, as, from the evidence,

  • >f the com

Itdid not appear that the fishing had been done inside tire five-mile limit. The Fishermen's Union al Benlcia requests the appointment of a Deputy Fish Commissioner Irom among the residents of that city. The brown quails distributed by the hoairt have paired in several sections, and tbey willmost likelybecome acclimated. J. F. Curley, the License Collector, reported that he bad collected JllOO since the Ist of April. On account of the fishermen's strike on the Sacramento the collections were much u25a0mailer than was anticipated.


A ItCauses

PROJECTING WALL. Trouble Between lea Neighbor.

a Bank and

An action was commenced in the Superior Court yesterday by Leopold and Agatha Villegia against the First National Bank of this city. Itis averred by the plaintiffs that Mrs. Villegia is the owner of the property located on the west side of Sansome street, forty-five feet north of Bush, and the defendant is the owner of the property on the northwest corner of the streets named. Prior to August 2, 1888, the bank began the erection of a brick building on its lot, ana in December of the same year Mrs. Villegia began proceedings to prevent the bank from going on with the building, as one of the walls abutted about foot over her property, ln spite of a notice served upon the bank people they built their basement wall upon plaintiff's property one and three-quarters feet. This projecting wall is an obstruction to plaintiff's property, and the court Is asked to declare lt a nuisance and give judgment lor $20.000


1Ire associated tanners have fixed upon $16 CO per cord as the price they will pay lor tanbaik, the season for which is now opening. Hay shows no change. New alfalla bay has arTrial. rived from Contra Costa Couuty aud, belug hot, low. bold Separations Granted. White beans have sold up to $2 50 In a way. Otherwise there is nothing uew lv the small bean market, which is not very active. l'ulatues are steady at last week's prices. Good The divorce case of Thomas J. Cox vs. Caroline old En-tern are firm. Kecelpts of new potatoes C. Cox was again on trial in Judge Lawler's deare steadily Increasing. partment yesterday. W. H. H. Hart, altoruey Unions, both old and new, have declined under for Mrs. Cox, made his opening statement, lv Increasing receipts of the new crop. which he outlined what be expected to prove flutter aud eggs aie dull and weak, and stocks 01 both show signs of accumulating. Cheese has __atnst Cox. again declined. The meat market is heavily Mr.Cox was the first witness called, and in resupplied and beef, lamb ami pork bave declined. sponse to questions told of his experiences with Veal and mullou are weak. his wife since their arrival here several years GROCERIES AM)PROVISIONS. ago. When he first came here he engaged In the Sugar continues to meet with a steady coninsurance business upon money loaned him by sumptive Inquiry at unchanged prices. his wife, His busiuess was not a profitable one, Ofcoftee the circular of K. llocbkotler says: This market has been kept Ina very dull condinotwithstanding lt was upon a uew plan—a sort by the decline or coffee at New York and the tion of co-operative principle. The reason It was uot offers from Brazil to sell at even lower rates a success Cox said was because bis wile had a tirm than thos. now current In the United .states. Notpractice of haunting the otlice and iuforming withstanding the present sound statistical position every one who came In that the business was of the article and the probability that stocks in the heis and was carrier! on with her money. consuming markets of the world will continue to During the course of the examination Cox was decrease during the next two or three months, there asked if he ever heard bis wife swear. appears tobe a general apprehension of stilllower •Swear," replied Cox; ".be swears like a prices, under the influence of possibly large crops lv Brazil for next season, beginning on July Ist sailor." next. During April the deliveries for consumption "On '."u25a0 cried Mrs. Cox, who was sitting near by, In all markets have been small, showing the general "1 do not." disposition of dealers to reduce their stocks. This Cox's examination willbe resumed to-day. ira> certainty been the case In this market, resulting In the case of Hubert Willis vs. Elizabeth In restricted business and some irregularity In Willi-,Judge Lawler has ordered a dismissal of prices when applying to Importers, such the cause. Willis sued for a divorce ou the parcels as were forced on the marketwhile sold with ground of Ills wife's intemperance and she filed more or less concessions. The majority of Ima cross-complaint chaigiug hiiu with cruelly. porters, however, are riot anxious sellers, being govJudge Lanier said be was unable to decide erned in tillscourse. Independently of their individwhich of the two was entitled to a divorce. Dal opinions as to the general ruture of the article, Judge Hoge yesterday divorced Maggie Gafby a belief in mod rate receipts from Central Amerfauy from I'atrlck, to whom she had been marica and by tire know ledge, besides, gained by past experience, that the pressing of stocks at a drill time years, Maggie charged failure to proried three and on unwillingbuyer would depress prices unvide against her husband. reasonably. Of the various qualities Of Central Supenui Judge Lawler dismissed the divorce Americans, strictly good to prime Ouateroal ihas suit of Elizabeth vs. H.L. Shannon, wherein the been in most reqaest aud held wiilimuch wile sought a separation ou the ground ot adultowing to present ami prospective scarcity; medium eiy. Guatemala In good demand at quotations: good Judge Hunt granted Lizzie McCarthy a diCosta Rica, on the contrary, was much neglected vorce Trom Eugene McCarthy because of bis ex- cessions; and the majority of sales effected with heavy congood unwashed Salvador was iv fair detreme cruelty. The custody of the minor child, mand at 19r,_.c immediately alter the issue of our a daughter, was glveu lo the father. last review, hut this price has been unobtainable since: Inferior grades are dull ami lower. sales BELL AND HIS CROWD. from first hands In April were 10.490 bags. Receipts in April were '__._l_ bags, against 27,-43 in April, Receipts from January Ist to April SOU) 1889. I'ugill.t Arrested on a A Woold-Be were 70,4 nags, against 74,-70 during the same Charge of Forgery. period in 1889. The stock ofCentral American In trr_t hands is 32,-15 bags, against '.8,198 a: the same J. Traynor was arrested yesterday by dale last ear. Officer Anthony on complaint of William The rice market continues unsettled and prices Bell, alias Pistol Bill." an ex-convict, for allkinds aie higher Iliad they have been, as have tuled light for some little lime. who ac.use_ him of forging his name to an stocks dealers report a satisfactory Hade In provisorder for Sl, upon Martin Murphy, the ions at unchanged prices. Canners continue to clear the dec's of canned pugilist, and receiving the coin. Ttaynor, fruit iv order lo meet the new crop, and conceswho is also a would-be pugilist, acknowlsions ate accordingly made to buyers. .tucks, edges signing Bell's name to the order, however, are nut large. which he says he was authorized to do. Canned salmon is quiet and without further

The Cox Divorce Case on


The prisoner claims that he is the victim of a conspiracy between Bell and oue William Scott, to prevent him from testifying against the last named, who is charged with vagrancy. Scott recently married a young woman named Wrede, and on the day after the wedding was beaten by her brothers, Claus and Henry, for taking the girl from her comfortable home. They had him arrested for vagrancy, and assert that he is an opium-smoker. They asked Traynor to testify against Scott, which he promised to do when the case was called. Bell is also said to be a friend of the fellow Maloney, who was arrested last week for taking ST3 from a carpenter named Frederick Hulse, to "fix"a case in the Police Court, ltis also asserted by police officials that this Bell is tho person who personated District Attorney Page in the old City Hall corridor, when Hulse paid the money to Maloney. Detective lingers placed a second charge of forgery agaiust ~ : Traynor late in the afternoon. u25a0u25a0-.: _u25a0

NAVAL NOTES. Assignments

Ordered of Officer* in the Service. • Third Lieutenant P. 11. Diniock and First Assistant Eugineer C. W. Monroe were assigned to

the Bear, which left on Saturday tor Seattle, Wash., where she will receive further Instructions.

Ensign A. C. Almy, detached from the Independence, relieved Ensign Jobn J. Hl.uirliu of lhe Thetis, ordered to duty lv the Bureau of Equipment and Itecruitlng. First AssUtant Engineer A. L. Brnadbent has been assigned to the Cot win, and Second lo the Hartley. ant S. M.

Assistant Engineer C. 11. Matbews has been detached from the Mare Island yard and placed on walling orders. ItIs thought that the preliminary trial trip of the San Francisco will be made about the Ist of next month.


Tax Collections.

Tax-Collector O'Brien made his monthly settlement yesterday with the Treasurer, and deposited $8448 33 as the receipts of his Probability Tint It Will Be Called Tj- office for April, distributed as follows: City and county real estate, 1889, 52492 04; Again. Kether The Sacramento River Convention, to State real estate, 18-9, $1552 90; city and personal property, 1889, $924 21 ; consider ways and means for maintaining county personal property, 1889, $1325 05; back the navigable condition of the river, may be State taxes, $480 48; fees and commissions. called together soon. A meeting at this $1-68 77 ;Dupont widening tax. $4 88.



time would have for its object the furnishing of information to the commission which was sent to Washington, and to whose efforts is largely due the bill now before Congress appropriating $30,000 for the improvement of the river. It will be remembered that a fund of $110,000 was placed, last winter, in the bands of the War Department engineers for the repairing of the Paine break in the levees, and a contract has been let accordingly. The break is still unrepaired, and In places the country remains under water. The convention deems it Important that this state of affairs should come to a speedy end, and will endeavor to hasten it as, much as possible, Suit


Recover Commissions.

Rufas C. Lowell has sued the Pacific


Paviug Company to recover 3922 13, money alleged to be due for commissions on contracts for sidewalk paving work in the

city of Fresno, accrued


the plaintiff.

Wants Ills Name Changed.

An application was made to the Superior Court yesterday by Joseph Gieseukircben for permission to change his name to Joseph Baker. The applicant was born in Mew York March 1, 1851. and lie says be


__Sg Sunday-School Calvary Presbyterian


Mixed pickles have again advanced 5 cents per gallon. Canned oysters are very firm as stocks all over the countiy are light.

Canned peas have suld up to $1 20 for future is an advance over last year's

delivery. Tbls prices.


There are not many fluctuations In merchandise to report Mils week. Quicksilver Iras made a sharp advance lo •____..._ 25 per flask under scarcity. Tobacco and cigars are quiet.

A fair movement In dry goods Is reported, but the market cannot be termed active. The private circular of 1. Sicuai t gives the receipts of coal at Ibis port In Aprilal 79.540 tons, against 85,610 tons in April,1889. and 104,047 tons In April,1888. Tne leceluts for the lirst four months of 1890 weie 309,040 tons, against 303,108 In 1889 and 301,740 lv 1888. Jteceipts this year are the lightest for some lime, owingto the -receipt of lire usual quantity from abroad. Tbe circular goes on to say: The deliveries in port during the past month of foreign coal amounted to four cargoes of Australian, with an unprecedented!)- small list of coal tonnage to arrive withinthe next sixty days from that quarter, and no coal on tire way fromUreal lir1 tain; notwithstanding prices have remained without change and the market quiet and showing no scarcity of coal. One of tire reasons for coal remaining comparatively low Is the fact that Australian coal Tor future loading is being offered now at a considerable reduction, lluyers, however, hold off, looking lor further concessions, as available American coal tonnage la -hewing rip more plentifully, while the supplies from the Coast and British Columbia mines are ample to meet the reduced consumption of the season. Cumber Is firm at the slight advance established several weeus ago. Building operations are unusually brisk. '1 lie receipts at this port from January Ist to May Ist, compared with the corresponding period last year, were as follows: Flue, 07.165,000 feet, against 09,810,000. Bedwood, 50,520,000 fuel, against 55,876,000. Shingles, 22,850,900, against 27,754,500. Ties, 465,9.-8, against 89,857. Fig liv and tin prate are less dull than they have been and prices aie firmer. The lluieauof Suatislics gives the exports of merchandise from the United Slates for the first three quarters of the fiscal year of 1889-90 at $683,718,000, against Imports of $571,817,000. During the same period in the preceding fiscal year lue exports w ,ie$583,180,000, aud the Imports $549,632,000. Owing to the recent appreciation ln the value of lubber, dealers In rubber goods In the East have put up their price list .*'.", per cent. A New Voik paper of April2iilh says: There bave been heavy sales of Para grades, the prospect of an active for manufactured goods, together with the reduced supplies of crude aval. inall markets, with the certainty of a further reduction In first-bauds storks, having caused large consumers to protect their future wants. u25a0



Church will hold its annual picnic on May 241h at Laundry


The Franklin-street Presbyterian and Bush-street Baptist Sunday-schools, which picnicked together at Laundry Farm last year, willunite again on May 24th, at Millwood Valley, near Sausalito.

The Clangor of an Alarm Bell

Close by.In the stillness of the night, could scarcely startle the ordinary Individual more than do trilling noises the nervous Invalid. But once the nerves are braced and the system invigorated with Hostctter's Stomach Bitters, this normal sensitiveness Is succeeded by a tranquility not to be disturbed by trivial causes. Impaired digestion Is a fertile cause of nerve weakness and unnatural mental gloom, and a v:gorous renewal of the action of the stomach Is one of the surest means of Invigorating and quieting the nerves. Insomnia or sleeplessness, a form of nervous disease, Is unquestionably benefited by sedatives, when it Is prolonged, or of frequent occurrence, but Its permanent removal 'Is more effectually achieved with the Bitters. This medicine ls also signally efficacious for malaria rheumatism, constipation, liver complaint, and torpidity of the kidneys and bladder. --"-. i

19 _."'



A Hoodlum

'•-'- The

on a





Was Not Liable.

_: Th« suit of P. J. G. Kenna, administrator of the estate of Patrick Fallon,; to recover $-0,000 damages from the Central Pacific Railroad Company for the death of Fallon, who » as killed by one of the company's - - on *• January - 10, trains, at the Oakland mole










_• 7, --*u25a0u25a0•=_=» ist_yj/

vV^sS-iW-Sj JU_2^






EISNER & MENDELSON CO., Solo Agents for U.S.,




ai>6 lot SuWe

LADIES' PEASANTS. ___.. $_.00.

LADIES' PEASANTS, in fine quality of French




cloaking, all wool, in very rich plaids, finished at neck with ribbon, worth $10, willbe offered at $5 each. -A--* .17.50. LADIES' PEASANTS, in fine quality of French cloaking, all wool, in very rich stripes and plaids, finished at neck with ribbon, worth $15, willbe offered at $7 so each. -A.- $7.50. LADIES' PEASANTS, in fine quality of broadcloth, in all the new shades— navy, tan, black, myrtle, brown and French gray— finished at neck with ribbon, worth $12 50, willbe offered at $7 50 eacb.






Sick Headache, Weak Stomach, Impaired S Digestion, Constipation, Disordered Liver, etc., >

tOT Mail orders promptly and carefully executed. Alameda and licrkeley.

the vital organs, strengthening the c <? ACTING LIKE MAGIC onarousing with the rosebud of health <_ C muscular system, and ( The Whole Physical Energy of the Human Frame. C < Beecham's Pills, taken as directed, will quickly RESTORE i ( FEMALES to complete health. i S





25 cents per Box.

B. F.



Prepared only by THOS. BEECHAM, St. Helens, Lancashire, England.



tim Vi>Sr_






(/(/ Mcl Street, _3___._N_


When the case of felony embezzlement J. P. Craig, tho actor and manager of a tLcitrical troupe, who was accused by his star actress of embezzling her trunk, valued at 8300, was called yesterday In Judge l.ix's court, the defendant's attorney read a letter from Miss Easton stating that she had received her property, which had all along been on the Oakland mole. Craig was dismissed, as his case had evidently been fixed out of court. .gainst

•Ms that really true?" Druggist: "Yes, madam. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup Is only •___." Abruise may result inan ab.esslf not promptly attended to. 'Apply Salvation Oil. T.:-».t__


Crimea Charged. ... Attorney Page filed the followu0084,



ing informations yesterday in the Superior Court: Ah Sin, bribery; William Hayne.

Roach, Arthur Thomas, William Monahnn, George Van Horn, John Kane and John Conway, burglary; Pietro Lorenzo, assault to murder; Frank Marino, receiving stolen goods, and Thomas Clark, asJohn

sault to rob.

Good News!

No one, who is willingto adopt the right course, need be long afflicted with boils, carbuncles, pimples, or other cutaneous eruptions. These are the results of Nature's efforts to expel poisonous anil effete matter from the blood, and show plainly that tha system is ridding itself through the skin of Impurities which it was the legitimate work of the liver and kidneys to remove. To restore these organs to their proper functions, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the medicine required. That no other blood-purifier can compare with it, thousands testify who have gained


willsee J3ul* the mosl* loving husband the difference in his home ifyou use labor in house-work J_i&p©!io« iVsaves about a house are necessary to



Cleanliness and neatness insure comfort. Man likes comfort, and if he can't find it at home, he willseek elsewhere for it. Good housewives know that SAPOLIO makes a house clean and keeps it bright. Happiness always dwells in a comfortable home. Do you want cleanliness, comfort and happiness ? Try SAPOLIO and you willbe surprised at your success.


f_ ft E ITU._ ITake no shoes unless B_l W. *_.. ""•"--'u25a0"•' name WnV I I-•_u25a0>__ anil price are stamped on the hot torn. Ifthe dealer cannot supply

Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, Bowels, Skin, etc. This Grand Remedy is composed of vegetable extracts, chief of which are SARSAPARILLA and STILLINGIA. The cures effected are* absolute. For sale toy all Druggists. JOHN F. HE-IE? & CO., New York; •




Breakfast Cocoa Is absolutely pure and it is soluble.

S3 Calf, SHOE Heavy


Fine Laced Grain and Creedmoor Waterproof. Best In the world. Examine his SS.OO GEXIIIXK _____n_-B_rW__P SHOE. 84.00 HAXII-SKWED WRIT SHOE.

  • .*t..-SO

POLICE AND FARMERS' SHOE. -..**.(> EXTRA VALUE CAI.P SHOE. l&'i.'ll,ami i.:;. IrOKKINRMAS'S SHOII. 9. Mi.iand .1.75 BOYS' SCHOOL SHOE.. Allmade lv Congress, Button auilLacs.

Sold by Grocers


W. BAKER & CO.. Dorchester/ Mass. Fes 3?t We


<^X C^x

Best Material. Best Style. Best Fitting IV. _.. nonplus, Itrorkton, Mass. Sold by SHOE CO., PHILADELPHIA 10 Third St., near Market, S. F. JOSEPH KOHLBECH-IR, 123 Fourth St., S. F. KICHAKD PAUL,324 Kearny St., S. F. jailSaWe Hm


Attorney snrl C'ouirselor-at-Law,


5.30 7:40





Naber, Alfs&Brune


the discomfort of crossing the Channel la a small boat. LABKETAGNE, De Jousselln Saturday, May 10th, 9:00 _. tt. LA BOURGOGNE, Frangeul


Saturday, May 17tb,at4A. tl.

LACHAMPAGNE, Traub Saturday, May LAGASCOGNE, Santelll


8:30 a. st

_*. Saturday, May 31st, 2:30 to JKJ-For freight or passageA. apply FORGET, Agent, No. 3 BowliugGreen, New York. J. F. FUGAZIA CO., Agents, 5 Montgomery aye., mr_o tt San Francisco,



Trains Leave and Are Due to Arriveat .' SAN FRANCISCO. tIAVf.








Ayer's Sarsaparilla,


A IWfi I 1U LlL" fl








- -








..-— ________



















THROUGH TRAINS. 1:30 P. __.. Dally (Sundays excepted) from Sara Francisco for Cazadero and Intermediate station*. Returning, leaves Cazadero daily (Sundays excepted) at 7:00 A. M., arriving in San Francisco at 12 r.'.'r p. M. Dally (Sundays excepted) from Sac 0:00P.M..for Tomales and Intermediate statioaa. Francisco Returning, leaves Tomales daily (Sundays excepted) at 5:15 A.M., arriving InSan Franclaco at 8:45 a.m. 8:00 A.SI.. Sundaysonly) from San Francisco far Cazadero and intermediate stations. Returning; arrives lnSan Francisco at 8:15 p. m.. same day. 6:30 x*.M.(Sundays only) from San Francisco far Toinales and intermediate stations. Reluming, leaves Toinales (Sundays only) at 6:00 a.m., arriving la San Franclaco at 9:15 a. m. EXCURSION RATES. Thirty-day excursion— Round-trip Tickets to aad from all stations, at 25 per cent reduction from single tariffrate. Friday to Monday Excursion— Tickets sold on Fridays. Saturdays and Sundays, good to return following Monday: Camp Taylor, $1 75; Tocaloma and Point Reyes, $100; Tomales, 12 25; Howard's, $.1 50; Cazadero, *100. Sunday Excursion— Round-trip Tickets, good on day sold only: Camp Taylor, $1 60; Tocaloma _u25a0_ Point Reyes, *175; Tomales, $2 00; Howard'a, $2 60; Duncan Mills and Cazadero, $3 00. STAGE CONNECTIONS. Stages leave Cazadero dally (except Mondays) ro. Stewarts Point, Uualala, Point Arena, Cnffeys Cove, Navarro, Mendocino City and all points on the North Coast. W. COLEMAN, JNO. F. B.LATHAM.

.. • .General Manager.

Gen. Pass. «Tltt. Agt General Offices, 33. Pine Street. ap3l





contains aortal




ll'i' | and P. M 7:25p st IUklah, 7:25 'Utieruvle 7:25 _*. M 7:25 P.'1C j





._ >i :H:Ooa.__:


Commencing; Sunday, April 6. 1890, _»_ until further notice, boats and trains willrunas follows: From SAN FRANCISCO for SAUSALITO and SA-f RAFAEL (week days)— 7:3o, 9:30,11:00 a. _.: 1:30, 3:10, 5:00, 8:20 p.m. (Suurlays)-8:00, 9:00, 10:00. 11:30 a. u25a0_.; 12_» 1:30, 2:50, 4:20. 5:30, 6:30 P.M. Extra trip « Sundays to Sansalito at 11 :00 a. m. From SAN FRANCISUO for MILLVALLEY (weedays)— 9:3o, 11:00 a. m.; 3:30, 5:00 P. m. (Sundays)— B:oo, 9.00, 10:00, 11:00 A. M.;12:301 1:30, 2:50, 5:30 P. M. From SAN RAFAEL for SAN FRANCISCO tweex days)— 6:lo, 7:45, 9:30,11:15 a. m.; 1:30. 3:23. 6:30 p.m. (Sundays) -8:00, 9:50. 10:55 a. v.; 12:00 M.;1:15. 2:45,4:00, 6:00,6:05,7:00 P. M. Extra trip on Saturday at 6:30 p. M. Fare. 50 cents, round trip. From MILLVALLEY for SAN FRANCISCO (week days)— 7:s6, 11:05 a. m.; 3:35. 6:12 p. m. (Sundays)— B:l2,9:2o, 10:10, 11:15 a. m.: 12:_». 1:40,3:00. 5:15,6:30 p.m. Extra trip onSaturday at 6:38 p. m. Fare. 60 cents, round trip. From SAUSALITO for SAN FRANCISCO (wee* days)— 6:4s, 8:15,10:05 a.m.; 12:05, 2:15, 6:40 p. M. (Sundays)— B:4s. 9:45, 10:40. 11:40 A.M.; 12:4«. 1:55,3:30, 4:40.5:45,6:50,7:45 P. M. Extra trip on Saturday at 7:10 p.m. Fare, 25 cents, roautt




h 10:30


(NEW), 42 NORTH __*-__» River, foot COMPANY' S ofPIER Morton st. Travelers ay _________________f this line avo.d both transit by English railway


L. A. JUERTELIXG, Scientific Optician,





COMPAGNIE GENERALE ltA N S A T t, A I Q lr*K - Freuch Line to Havre.

LINE OF STEAMERS. __m____CSS_, sailing semi-monthly, carrying freight 4PWI t7% COMMERCIAL

SS. For British Columbia and Puget Sound ports, 9 A. li..March (J, 11, ltl, 21, 28, 31, Apriland May 5, 10. 15, 20. 25, 80, June 4. 9, 14. 19. 24. 29. lor Eureka, Humboldt Bay. Wednesdays, H». i__, etc., Mondays auil For Mendocino, Fort Thursdays, 1r. it. For Santa Ana, Los Angeles, and all way ports every fourtu day, 8 a.m. For San Diego, stopping only at Los Angelas, Santa Barbara and Sau Luis Obispo, every fourth day at, 11 A. M. For ports ln Mexico. 25th of each month. Ticket Ofllco—2l4 Montgomery street _OODAL_,*I "EKKINS & CO., General Agents, _e3O 10 Market street, Sau Franclsca



  • a«ai^i___i

and passengers. CO., Agents. GRAYS HARBOR COMMERCIAL apliltt 13 California Street.

STEAMERS FROM SAN '_»_______, YOUHAVE DEFECTIVE EYES AND VALUK DISPATCH Francisco for ports in Alaska, 9a. it., ,»>y*^_ IF JL them. ro to Optical Institute for your SpectaMarch '21, April5, 20. May 6, -20, 30, June 4, 14, 19 cle*, It's only and tho establishment on this Coast where they are measured on thorough B-lt-iitino principles. houses ground if necessary to ] case. correct each No visual defect where passes are required too complicated for us. Wo guarantee our fitting to be absolutely perfect. No other establishment can get the same superior facilities as are found here, for the Instruments aad methods used are my own discoveries and Inventions, and are far In the lead of any now lv usa. Satisfaction guaranteed. .

and &GO. Second-class,

Only Direct Route.


?;___:i. »»;*u25a0*:«


Cloy rdale ft Way Sta




m i I -°.* 110:30 A.M A. M S:OfIA.M j Sonoma I10:40 A.M I 8:50 A. X __°_-__ M I5.00P.M I<_______ 0:05 l.M10:05 P. 5 7:4-) a. M SrOOA.M Ic. 110:40 a.m I 10:30 A.k ta Seoastop 1 8:30 P. Ml 5:00 P.M | 1 7 :_, FM| 7 .Stages connect at Santa Rosa for White Sulphur Springs ari.l Mark West Springs; at Geyser7*U_ for skaggs springs; at Clovenlale for the Geysers; at Hopland for Highland Springs, Kelse,lie. Soda Hay. Lakeport and Bartlett Springs, anrt at Springs, Saratoga Vichy V.forrlht.. Blue Lakes, Calito, Capella, Potter Springs, Valley, SherHAMBURG-AMERICAN PACKET CO. wood Valley and Meir.lo.'ino City. SERVICE BETWEEN New York, EXCURSION TICKETS, from Saturdays to Masdays— To Petaluma, (150; to Santa Rosa »'_' 25; ta Southampton and Hamburg: by the magnifiCl_ Ilrnld.sbiirK.i-4>*>: to Litton Sprrngs, r>.1 cent new twin-screw steamers of 10,000 tons and dale, i150: to Hopland. to 70; to Uklah, to 4.75; te 16,000 horse-power. 12.500 to This Line holds 75; to Sonoma. »1 50; to Glen Eiiea. S3 Guerneviile. the record for f_..te.t trip, to and from »1 80. Southampton and the Continent. Actual Petaiuma, EXCURSION TICKETS,(food for Sundays only-T» II;to Santa Rosa, #1 50; to Healdsimrc ocean voyage only Six Days. Steamers unexcelled .2 20, to Litton Springs, »2 40; to Cloverdale, »3; lor safety, meed and comfort. Through tickets to 50; to Sonoma, tl;to Glen Ellen. Sl SO. Guernevllle.l2 Apply and to London Paris. 11. C. WHITING,General Manager. ,„ Hiini!>urg-American,GKNKH..i.Passenoer Aoestts PETER J. Mclil.YNN,Gen. Pass, ii Ticket AKt. Packet Co.; C. 11. RICHARD & CO., Ticket urliees at Ferry and _2_ Montgomery street. Broadway. Y.| Broadway, 37 N. 61 Nkw York. A. XV. MYKU,401 California St., S. V. SAUSALITO-SAK RAFAEL-SAN QUENTH mr!4 cod 4m VIA—


10 and SO, Flood Building. u25a0VTEW YOHK COKKESPONDENTS: ROBERT _.> O'HVItNi:nnrlFRANK O'BYRNE. 280 Broadway, New York city. myllm cod

£;u25a0%.:_ Sta',

_{ B*oO___ gJSJffIJ -..


$3aads2SHOES LA No _ u.eil InitsCJiemicals preparation- Ithas mors 81.75 SHOE FOR MISSES. in threri times ths strength of Coco*. ixfil with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, il Is therefore far more economical, Ming lets than end cent a cup. Itla Hcioui, nourishing, strengthening, HALT IMiJESTKU, and admirably adapted r inraiids as **__! us persons In health.






Steerage passage, either Service, $ ;n.

Chronic Sores, Syphilis, Tumors, Car* buncles. Salt Rheum, Malaria, Bilious Complaints, and all diseases indicating an Impure Condition of the Blood,



or ' 30. Saloon Excursion Tickets at Reduced Rates. Travelers' Circular Letters of Credit, and Drafts for any Amount issued at lowest current rates. For Books of Tours, 1 lckets or further information Apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS, New York, or GEORGE W. FLETCHER, 613 Market St. :or T. D. McKAY,32 Montgomery St.; or J. F. FUGAZZI A CO.. 5 Montgomery aye., San Francisco, or GEO, li.SEAMAN,1073 Broadway, Oakland, mr24 Omo ->50








and LONDONDERRY. - 7:40 a. GLASGOW passage to Glasgow, Londonderry Liverpool,


•_ MEDAL,PARIS, 187 ft


GLASGOW SERVICE. Steamers every Saturday fromNew York to

A.peerless remedy for Scrofula, White

noB 3T


Steamship "CITY OF ROUE" from New Voric SATURDAY,May 3, May 31, June 28, July 26. Saloon passage, 980 to i<;<). Second-class, 5.30.


tywritofor niumlnat-d

"The Donahue

rOMMENCTNO SUNDAY. APRIL 27. 1890. ANB __* until further notice. Boats and Trains willleave from and arrive at the san Francisco Depot. Market-street Wharf, as follows: From San Francisco for Point and Saa Rafael— Weekdays: 7:40 a. M., 0:20Tiburon a. m., llrjrja.m. M..5:00 P. M., 6:15 M. Sundays: lU«>P.M..3^Op. 8:00 A. M., 9:30 A. M.. 11 A. M.,1:30 P. P. M., 3:30 ' p.m. 6:00 P. M..1'.:1f. P. M. trom San Rataei for San Francisco— Week days: M., A.M., M, M., 6:50 A. 7:5.. A. 0:30 11:40 A. 1:40 P. 3:40 P. M,5:05 P. .M..r:.25 P. M. Sundays: 8:10 A, A.M., 11:10 AM,1:40P.M.J3:-0P.M,5:00P. _£ 9:40 6:__P. M. From PointlTibnrcn for San Francisco— Week dart: 7:15 A.M.,8:30 A. M.,0:55 A. M., 12:05 P.M., -:05 P..IC. 4:05 P. M,6:30 P.M. Sundays: B:_sA.l__ 10:05 A..M, 11:35 A.M.,2:05 P.M., 1:05 P. M. 6:_r» P.M., 6:50 P.M. . ' Leave IDestisa- I Arrive iii Krau.M,.rr San l-rancrsco. I tion. I Ban week I sumSUN: I Week Days. I days. I days. I Days. „ B_»_.« 7:40a. m, v Petaltrma I .(...,.»

ANCHOR LINE. Atlantic F'xpress Service.

you. send direct to factory, inclosing advertised price.

Swellings, Cancer, Erysipelas,


FOIt NKW YORK. VIA PANAMA. Steamship Tuesday. May 13th, at 12 o'clock noon, taking freight and passengers direct for Mazatlan, San Bias, Manzanlllo. Acapulco, Champerlco, San Jose de Guatemala, La Llbertad and Panama, and via Acapulco for all lower Mexican and Central American ports. FOIt HONG KONG VIA YOKOHAMA. CHINA Wednesday, May 21st, at 3 p. CITYOF PEKING (via Honolulu).. Saturday, June 14th, at .1 M. CITYOK RIO DE JANEIRO, Tuesday, July 8. 3 p.m. Round trip tickets to Yokohama aud return ac reduced rates. For freight or passage apply at the office, corner alrst and Brannan streets. WILLIAMS, DIMOND ft CO., Agents. de!s tf GEUROE a. RICE, Traßc Manager.


m-_ If co .1



FROM APRIL 13. 1890 ARRIVB 7:30aHaywards, Nlles and San Jose.,.. •12:45. 7:30aSacramento A Redding, via Davis 7:15. 427 KEARNY STItKKT. • 7:30aSacramento, Auburn, Colfax 4:45. I>oNOT roitril.. Till.MUSHIER. 437 8:00aMartinez, vallejo, Calistoga ana 437 Ue'-O tf coil Santa Rosa 6:15. Nlles, 8:30a San Jose, Stockton, lone, Sacramento, Marysvllle.Orovilla -".-. Red BluS. and 4:45. 9:00aLos Armeies Express, Fresno, ______-_•_____ CNION PACIFIC RAILWAY— Bakersneld, Mojave and East, ' Ocean Division—and PACIFIC l* £__________? Angeles l_:_sa and Los COMPANY will dispatch from Spear, 3:45. STEAMSHIP aHaywards andNlles street Wharf, at 10 a. m., for the above ports oue of . 10:30 12 :00_ Hay wards, Nlies and i.iverniore.. 8:45. WIIOI.ESAI.I_ I.IQL'OR DEALERS, their A 1 Iron steamships, vir_: -..--u25a0-*1:00r Sacramento River steamers •»8:00* OF 8, 20, May STATE CALIFORNIA— June 1. 13, 8:00. Haywards, Nlles and San Jose.... 9:45 a 323 AND 325 MARKET STREET, 25, July 7, 19, 31. 8:30. Second class for Ogden and East.. 10:45. May 4, 18, 28, June 9, 21, July 3, COLUMBIA— SMllton; Vallejo, 4:00. Stockton and •

Callstoga and Santa Rosa 15. 27. jf^^£o[£ AGENTS for _j 9:45 a OREGON— May 12. 24, June 5, 17, 29, July 11. 23. •1:30. Nlles and Llvermore. »8:45 a from the tyranny of depraved blood by th, Connecting via Portland with the Northern Pacta. •4:30. and San Jose

  • >8:13.

Railroad, Oregon Shore Line and other diverging use of this medicine. .

00r Shasta

Route Express, Sacralines, fur all points in Oregon. Washington, mento, Marysvllie, Redding, For nine years I was afflicted with a skin Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Columbia. Portland, Puget Sound and East, old British disease that did not yield to any remedy Dakota, Utah, Wyoming, Yellowstone Park, aud all and's Landing via Davis 10:45 a points East and South and to Europe. until a friend advised me to try Ayer's Sarsa6H.Of Haywards and Niles 7:45 a Fare to Portland— Cabin, $18; steerage, $3: round parilla. "With the use of this medicine the 8:00. Sunset Route, Atlantic Express, trip, cabin, «30. Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, complaint disappeared. Itis my belief that Paso, Deming. El Whiskey Montgomery Ticket Offices— l and 214 street. New Orleans purest and best in the market no other blood medicine could have effected • The OOODALL, PERKINS CO.. General Agents. and East 8:45. for Medicinal and Family use. Sold by all mrS. 10 Market street, San Francisco. so rapid and complete a cure."— Andres 8:00. Central Atlantic Express, Ogden Fast 9:45a __"__ 1). Garcia, C. Victoria, Tamaulipas, Mexico. first-class dealers. Ask for it

'. DOS COll tf SANTA CRUZ OIVISION-Narrow-Gance. "My face, for years, was covered withpimples and humors, for which I

45a Excursion to Santa Cruz

could find no United States and KoyiilMail Steamers 8:15aNewark, Centervllle, San Jose, 18:05. remedy till I began to take Ayer's SarsapaB-TWKKX __-|_Hr_MW_lP_| _4s_B-& Feltou, Bowlder Creek and Sauta rilla. Three bottles of this great blood mediIS BEBKBT UIVEN THAT THE GovCruz 6:20. New York, Queenstown &Liverpool, cine effected a thorough cure. Iconfidently u25a0l ernor of CallforiQa will bo asked to pardon •2 -.45. Centervllle. San Jose, Almaden, OBEBST, now servlni; a term of 7 years Feiton, Bowlder Creek and Santa SAILING EVERY WEEK. WILLIAM recommend it to all suffering from similar manslaughtbo In state l'rl.oiiunder conviction of Cruz »11:50 troubles."— M.Parker, Concord, Vt. . _'. «50 AND UPWARD. ACCORD- ______>_____*__, . u25a0-u25a0^u25a0-.--:-.- ...u25a0u25a0;- ap!9 30t ter; 4:15. Centervllle, San Jose and Los ) lng to location of berth and steamer so- &*&_f V

Oatos 9:50 a lected; second cabin. $35, $40 and $45. Steerage England, Ireland, Scotland, Sweden, BEST TRUSSES* SHOULDER BRACES tickets from VIS'X-Third and Townsend Sta. COAST l>I Norway aud Denmark, through to San Francisco, at Martf at .1. 11. A. _>'OL,KKU_ &ISI'.OS., 7:25 a San Jose, Almaden and Way Stalowest rates. Tickets, sailing dates and cabin plans DENTAL INSTRnM__fT __-—-_____> may be procured from W. U. MAUEE, Pacific Mall tions. S.HUICALANI) 2:30* i>. u25a0i-r>r, 118 Montgomery adjoining^ssfif B;3OASan Jose, Ollroy.Tres Plnos, P.v Duck, or at tiro General Ollico of the Company, 613 iy__ tf cod Marketst., under Grand Hotel. G. W. FLETCHEK, Occidental Hotel eiitraiice. jaro, Santa Cruz, Monterey, Pa, Gen. Agt.for Paclllc Coast cific Grove San Salinas, »p_9 TuWeFrSu tt ~ Miguel, Paso Robles and Santa ' Margarita (San Luis Obispo) and FHSPAKED by Principal way Stations 8:12. Carrying United Strife*. Hawaiian and Co. DR. J. C. AVER & CO., Lowell, Mass. 5:02. . 10:30aSan Jose and Way Stations Cemetery, Menlo Park and Way lonial Mails. 12


by Druggists. _,_5;.. Bold Worth *5a bottle. 11, 3:33. Stations... 1* LEAVE TUB COMPANY'S __-__ Ty"Santa Cruz, .' V*1 Wharf, foot of Foisom street, •3:30. San Jose, Tres Plnos,Pacific Grove Salinas, Monterey, Honolulu, For Auckland and Sydney. •10:004 " fel- FrSuMoWeAWy ly and Principal WayStations Willi r CIIANOE, •4:20. Meulo Park and Way Stations.... »7:5_ A The Splendid New ..Odtf-tou Iron Steamer Way stations 6:20. San Jose and u0084 9:03 Isa Injurious preparation Drug by of the which its Zealnndia Saturday, May Ist. at I*. .It., business 6:35 6:30. Menlo Park and Way stations effects are removed, while the valuable medicinal • a For Honolulu. Menlo Park and Principal Way Star properties are retalue.l. . It possesses all the Bed ar .11:45. COLLEGE, . tons) t7:__(MM May 23d, at 13 it tions.. tlve, anodyne, aud antlspasmodlo powers of opium, :SS. • OrAustralia immediately on arrivalof the English malls. , but produces no sickness of the stomach, no vomit.P fortSaturdays A for Morning. Afternoon.

v.-i,,- ..*, ing,no

only. no headache. Inacute nervous j -'»*"For freight or passage, apply at office, 327 •Sundays excepted.

  • -••- {Saturdays

uSSiBSanSP 99 _»__f«cfec__f. . excepted. {Sundays only. disorders lt ia an Invaluable remedy, and Is recomMarket street JOHN D. K_'l__C_.ELS BROS., • »c*_- tr . Book-keeping, Penmanship .Short- baud Type-wiitlng: mended by the best rhyslciaus. ... mylfiWe ly Ageuts. u2666u2666ilondays e*geptc_. General ' ' . .-



corner el Jones,

-corr aiexf*

Charge Against a Respectable Voting Man.

Rose Eristoit'rl Trunk.



-^ V*

A REWARD-SEEKER. Judge Rix heard a suspicious charge of larceny against Edward Maloney yesterday, and reserved his decision until to-day, Edward Maloney, a young man who went to the Cooper Medical College about three weeks ago for treatment, was accused by J. Salisbury with stealing a clasp-pin from Miss Kate Overacker, a student. Salisbury swore he saw Maloney take the pin from the young lady's coat. Instead of telling her or the police, lie kept his counsel concerning the matter, but made inquiries about the possibility of receiving a reward for apprehending Maloney. Finally be had the young fellow arrested, and went to Miss Overacker for his reward, which he received. Salisbury denied having been In the State Prison when asked this question, but admitted Inferential!)' that he knew considerable about the inside of other jails. The defendant's attorney accused him of being a "stool pigeon" and professional thief. Maloney swore that be found the pin upon the college stairs, and that Salisbury saw him pick it up.

Goods delivered free in Oakland.

_______*. CO., Sole. Agents for United. States, .-_._ et 367 Canal 'Sl., New lark, who (ifi/oiirdruggist does not Tieep them) willmail Jleechant's rillson / } ( receipt price but iiuptirefirst. (Mention this paper.) r —r. _-_ _-_ ._of _™^_^^_^^_^^/^/^ w^v^^s»^/^_^•^_'*^/•>_^>K^^•y^^y^^>^^•v_^^•%_^N_'%_^-/x^ )

Lieutenant John A.Dipray Of Ihe Twenty-third Infantry from duty as one of his aids de-camp. Mrjor-General Miles has Issued a general ruder in whicli lie takes occasion to express his appreciation of the fidelity and zeal with which Lieutenant Daprav has discharged bis duties as ald-de-camp." The Lieutenant willenjoy a four months' leave ol absence befoie joininghis regiment. Musician Heed W. Dunfee and Priva'e Michael Henry, Company B ot the First Infantry, have been ordered from Fort (iaston to Augel Island for trial by general court-marilril uuder charge or a guaid of the enlisted men who are material witnesses lv their re-p.ctlve cases. Second Lieutenant Robert 11. Noble of the First Infantry, on leave ol absence at Philadelphia, will conduct recruits to the Department of the Platte before joininghis company at Benlcia Barracks, ami reported at New Voik City for such duty nn Thursday last. Secoud Lieutenant .1. A. Towers of Light Battery X of the First, who Is on sick leave from the Presidio, willnot join lor duty until Pis battery shall have arrived at Fort Hamilton, N. V. Major Amos S. Kimball, Chief Quartermaster of the Department of Arizona, Is in the cliy on public business in coiiuecilou with the transfer or troops to and from Arizona. The transfer of I'ost Chaplain George W. Dunbar from the l'resldio to loit Bridget. Wyoming, lias been revoked ou account of the contem- ' plated abandonment of the latter post. Fust Lieutenant Louts I.Brant has relieved First Lieutenant Thomas H. Barry of the First Infantry as recruiting; officer at the l'resldio. Suspicious



- _-

satin lap back, and handsomely ette drop fringe, reduced from 830 to $20 each, finished with sealskin ornaments on ' front, worth $30, willbe offered at $15 _?"•__ _».00. a __*__,__-_,-, eacb. LADIES' SEALETTE WRAPS, long tabs, $20.00, pointed back, with ornaments, rolling LADIES' SEALETTE JACKETS, real collar, with three sealskin ornaments on London dyed, satin lined, lap back, finfront; also with Japanese sleeves, plaits ished with sealskin ornaments on in the back, trimmed all around with front, worth $40, willbe offered at $20 drop fringe, worth $38, will be offered each. at $25 each.




LADIES' CLOSE-FITTING SEALETTE LADIES' SEALETTE WRAPS, long tabs, PLUSH JACKETS, real London dyed, cape back.trimmed all around with seallined,


Loebel Schottlaender,Springs :} of


At _tIS.OO.

Mayor of the City of Cailsbad. Sole Lessee



Att_ste3 *




not only or superior elegance, beauty aud finish, but are offered for this occasion at an ENORMOUS REDUCTION from actual valuation. ::

Breaks Three Glasses -Tender's Skull.

Bunker was kept busy yesterday patching up the scalp of John K. Armstrong, a saloon-keeper at 212 Townsend street. The wounded man said he had been assaulted by a hoodlum named Thompson with three of his own beer glasses. Armstrong bought the saloon about a mouth ago, since when the hoodlum has been loitering about the place, and- frequently receiving free drinks. Armstrong decided to give Dim no more liquor without payment, and because of this stand had his head seriously cut withbroken glassos. lie was found in his saloon lying on the floor insensible and weak from the loss of blood, and was at once removed to the City Receiving Uospilal. The polite are looking for his assailant.



To-day we offer SEVEN GREAT SPECIALS, selected from the stock or oar immense Cloak Department, which comprises the largest, most varied and complete collection of LADIES', MISSES' ASD CHILDREN'S OUTER GARMENTS ever exhibited in the city. ".A: The gar-meats presented include the LATEST STYLES AND NOVELTIES IX LADIES' SEALETTE PLUSH WRAPS AND JACKETS and LADIES' PEASANTS and willbe round BARGAINS INEVERY SENSE OF THE WORD, tor they are

!* ^

shipped as freight. Inrelieving First


j^— K^Hfra I

  • '"






  • -
  • 7


-==FROMI OUR_________

/_»s— --3«y.

Land Agent Jerome Madden of the Eft Southern Pacific Company reports that there is a steady growth in the demand for laud in Fresno, Tulare, Kern and Los Angeles try points. counties. From January Ist to April Ist, THE GRAIN" MARKET. sales at his ofiiee amounted to 15,195 acres, The exports of flour and wheat, reduced to a for which $96,000 was received, a gain of wheat basis, from tills port duilug the lirst ten 54.000 over the receipts of last year for the same period. The sales during April months ot this crop year amounted to 14,895,000 to $46,861, against $18,371 for centals, valued at (19,535,000, agaiust 14.129.afternoon.was a large crowd waiting at the door amounted April of last year. .Receipts for the first "here --000 centals at $21,139,000 for the same period days long befoie the hour for reopening court in the present three of the month amounted lasl year. The exports o[ Hour alone were 980 ,afternoon. When they were finally admitted over a to There Is also brisk demand SIXMO. -400 barrel*, against 752,400 In 1889. they rushed pell-mell into the loom, and in a lor land in Southwestern Fresno. wheal is Dow squarely up to J 135 for No.l,the moment every available inch of space was A number of excursions will visit Big highest price for sume time. The feeling is very occupied. ' this Trees month. On uext Sunday the The attorneys consulted in whispers, and when are not disposed to sell, even Dolphin boat Club willmake this trip. On bullish aud holders the Judge entered he Instructed the jury to be prices. There Is a good specuat tho advanced called, which was dove at once, aud the Judge the 14th the Oakland Y. M. 1. will picnic at lative demand and bears are as few now as they then iusliucted the attorney to proceed with ilia the same resorf. On the 17th the Brooknumerous lor the past year or so. Tue case. lyn l'resbyterran Sunday-school willgo to have beeu Eastern and foreign markets are unsettled and AMEDICAL F.XPERT. Ulenwooif, and on the day after a special bob about a good ileal. Export trade Is dull, Dr. E. H. Wool-ey was the first witness called. will be run to Forest Grove for the ac'• How longhave you ktiowu Pratt?" he was commodation of there being practically no ships lv port. OtherIndependent the Hide Club. years." asked. "About fifteen wise mere would probably be an active shipfcW. F. Akeu and K. M. Hatch, recent plug "Have you met hun frequently?" "1 have movement. city Mexico, arrivals iv this from report intimately known him and have mi him ofteu at Flour Is firm In sympathy with wheat. that railroad building in that country is the club to which we both belong." Barley continues to rise and feed has now progressing very rapidly.' A party of surAttorney Ackerman, who was conducting the examination, theu put to tile witness a very veyors are now at work on the projected touched $1 05, which is about the highest price lei:, mv and hypothetical question, iv which lie 01 the present crop year. Brewing descriptions American road that is to connect reviewed a case Identical In detail to Ibat Central have moved up in sympathy, though they aio the City of Mexico Willi Quito in Equador. brought out by Pratt's testimony, arid ended by quiet as the brewers are stocked for the present That the scheme is practical and will be asking If, lv the opinion of lire witness as a mediand are thereinto not buying. cal man, it would uot ..settle the mind uf a man consummated very soon there is no doubt. U.-ls are si ill hugely cornered. The dealer Although there is considerable prejudice such as the defendant. who con Hols lire corner still declines to name a answer the was question knowing part quotation, Tbe to that on the of the natives of that country but there are a few oats on the outas he did the character of Pratt, he was in. against the encroachment of foreign capisi- and they are selling at $1 50_J1 75 (or fair clined to believe that it would have tbat ettect. choice. 10 '• the more tal, yet intelligent classes are not Fiom wnat you know of Pratt menial conCoin Is coming forward more liberally, but slow to realize that immense benefits aro prices keep up as dition what would you ihluk would be the effect being icily good yellow corn is derived by the Mexicans from Enof series of events such as ne underwent?" not very abundant. "1abelieve glish and American enterprise. that It would cause him to commit Jtye is quiet. tbe series ul acts wi liwhich he Is charged. He Harry Fnizer, Superintendent of the hrau and middlings have been marked up CO was uot an impulsive man, but was of a nervous Westinghouse Air-brake Company, is in ceuis per ton. nature, inclined tomelancholia." (_________, COUNTRY PRODUCE. town. On cross-examination the witness stated that The regular weekly excursion over the Produce was fairly active last week. At tire by members of his own church from all sections he had never beeu connected wllh any assylum. Northwestern left yesterday with a full list close tt, ere is rather mora call for hups. While and by the Ohio delegation in Congress. lie believed that a man might while laboring hardly ineie Is about, enough trade to talk acUpon the iiileicnange of stations between 111* of passengers. under momentary Insanity be conscious of bis been range tual sales have made tiie 9 within of Second and Fourth Cavalry, the troops and acts, and might even kuow then that what he was W. Meade, General Agent of the North- to 12 ._ cents per pound. Even this lightbusibands of these regiments willleave at their presdoing was wrong, It was his timber opinion, western, left yesterday for Portland. ness is better than the utter stagnation of lhe «ent stations tents, poles and puis, lion bunks aud however, that uuder such circumstances a man 11. K.Bishop, one of the Directors of the past two mouths. woven wire hunk bottoms, arm-racks, small would uot iv all likelihood stop to consider the Rock Island road is in town, lie is makDealers report an active movement In spring aims ammunition, powder, etc., still in original morality or immorality of the act. ing a tour of the Pacific States aud Terriwools, the week's sales amounting to between packages as shipped by the ordnance departTRUE AND PURE. _-_._._ and 600,000 pouuds. Nevada wools are ment. They willlake wltb them bedding, etc., E. 1.. Record, a journalist, was placed on the tories. now ou the market. mess furniture and other articles earned on standby the piosecutioti and testified that on Hides have been active ou local account during troop aud band returns and In persona! use by tbe 31st of January. 1889, Mr. frail staled in the past few days and prices have mane some tho men. lhe mattresses will bo baled and Willi conversation uiiu that his wife was a true and pure woman and that the reports of intimacy with Bromwell were false. On cross-examination Attorney Bromwell asked him Ifhe could say positively that such was the exact statement made by Pratt. "As nearly as 1 can call now," was the reply. The court then adjourned until 10 o'clock this moruiug iv order to give the prosecution a cL.b. to Urlng in Its witnesses





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