Page:The Mythology of the Aryan Nations.djvu/624

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Thaumas, 184, 235, 474
Thebes, founding of, 509
Theia, 284
Theiosoa, 180
Themis, 179, 439
Theodore, St., 563
Theogony, 151
, Hesiodic, 3, 156, 453
, Orphic, 437
Theophane, 385
Thersandros, 415
Theseus, 245, 306
the womanly, 307
Thestios, 291
Thetis, 7, 107, 394, 475
Thiassi, 190
Thoas, 386
Thomas the Rimer, 224
Tho6sa, 438
Thor, 195
, hammer of, 178, 352
, horn of, 188
Miolnir, 14
Thorgerda, 353
Thraetana, 249, 559
Three Children, the, 338
Thriai, 267, 449
Thrinakia, 149
Thrj-m, 197
Thunder, 195
Thunder-bolt, 442
Thursar, 197
Thyrsos, 351
Thyrxis, 28 1
Time, 177
Tirfing, 135
Tisamencs, 412
Tisiphone, 265
Titania, 217
Titans, 178, 431. 437
Tithonos, 202, 228, 241, 249
Tityos, 247, 377
Tiw, 174
Tlepolemos, 292, 390
Traitana, 249
Transformation, power of, 254
Treasure, the lost or stolen, 121, 242,
321, 382
Tree and serpent worship, 353, 362
Tribute children, 328
Trident, 352
Trikorythos, 411
Trimiirtti, 165, 20I
Triptolemos, 395, 520
Tristram, 96, 136
Trita, 249
Trito, 248, 476
Tritogeneia, 248
Triton, 249
Tritonis, 249
Tritopator, 249
Trivikrama, 366
Trojan war, 256
Trolls, 222, 296, 524
Trophonios, 61, 273
Troy, 91. 536
True Thomas, 222
Tschernibog, 568
Tuisco, 174
Tullius, Servius, 2S1
Tvashtar, 207
Twilight of the gods, 41, 186
, sister of Night, 230
Twelve Olympian gods, 179
Twins, 208
Twin deities [Correlative deities]
Tyche, 269
Agathe, 269
Akraia, 269
Tydeus, 414
TjTidareos, 321, 414, 498
Tj-phaon, 245, 272
Typhoeus, 178, 179, 437
Typhon, 242, 544
Tyr, 174, 188, 194
Tyro, 323, 468
Ukko, 64
Ulysses, Ulyses, 403
Uma, 163, 205
Una, 246
Undine, 215
Unholda, 568
Unicorn, 373
Uokesahs, 200
Upendra, 366
Uranus [Ouranos],
Urd, 267
Urisk, 528, 570
Ursula, St., 98, 223, 408
Urvasi, 51, 212
Ushapati, 229, 238
Ushas, 9, 207, 227
Uther, 133, 353
Vach, 164
Vahni, 236
Vaiswanara, 420
Vaivasti, 227
Vala, 233, 249
Valandinne, 567
Valant, 567
Valhalla, 193
Vali, 187
Valkyrie, no, 193, 497
Vampire, 182