Page:The Nestorians and their rituals, volume 1.djvu/132

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sent some time since, but have been prevented from doing so by press of business.

"As it is my intention to leave Malta for London on the 5th of the ensuing month, it has occurred to me whether it might not tend to induce the government to undertake the excavation of this interesting mound, if I were to lay before them such notices as I have collected respecting it during my sojourn in the east. Should your Excellency judge that my services in this respect are likely to be useful, I shall feel much obliged if you would lay the subject before the Earl of Aberdeen, and give me a letter of introduction to his lordship. At the same time, if your Excellency has no further need of the fac-simile of the cuneiform inscription which I left with you at Constantinople, I shall feel thankful if you will take the trouble to forward the same to me, at 79, Pall Mall, London.

"I have the honour to be,

"To His Excellency,

"The Right Hon. Sir Stratford Canning,


Shortly after this. Sir Stratford Canning liberally undertook the work of excavation, which was carried on under the able direction and supervision of Mr. Layard. Since then, the British Government has given its support to the measure, and Nimrood is still proving the richest mine of Assyrian antiquities which has yet been discovered. The slabs and other sculptures dug up from this mound, are in a more perfect state of preservation, and more exquisitely finished, than any which have been found in these parts. The grand task, however, remains yet to be accomplished, namely, the complete deciphering of the character, and the true exposition of the numerous inscriptions engraved on these monuments of by-gone days. Every lover of science must wish Major Rawlinson success in this laborious undertaking which he has entered upon with such zeal; and we do not doubt that, so far as the records shall be found to have any bearing upon the historical facts handed down in Holy Writ, they will supply an additional and important testimony to the genuineness and authenticity of the Old Testament Scriptures.