Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 10.djvu/116

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HIRSCH. 100 HISCOCK. and Das Inialiditiits- iind Altersv€r»icherungs- gesel: 1 3<l ed. IH'.tO). HIRSCHBERO, hirshlu-TK. A manufactur- ing town in the Prussian Province of Silesia, sit- uated at tile fuut uf a mountain. liO miles south- west of Liegnitz (Ma[): Prussia. F 3). The town is ancient, and is still girt about by a double line of walls. It-s Protestant church, a Gothic edifice, is known for its magnitude and its e.cel- lent organ. Hirschbcrg has manufactures of linen, lace, machinery, paper, metal, and tobacco. The town was founded at the beginning of the eleventh century. Population, in 1890, 10,200; in l!)()0. 1 7, Sli.)." mostly Protestants. HIRSCHFELD, hfrsh'fflt. Gistav (1847- 95). A (Jerman arch;rologi*t, horn at Pyritz. in Pomerania. Me was educated at Tubingen, Leip- zig, and Berlin, and was sent by the Prussian Areha-ological Institute in 1870 to Greece, Italy, and Asia Minor. From 1875 to 1877 he had charge of the excavations at Olympia. and in 1882 traveled again in Asia Minor. He was ap- pointed professor of archa>olog}- at KiJnigsberg in 1878. Besides many articles in the arch;rological journals he wrote: Tituli •Stntuarionim Sriilplo- rumquc (Irwcorum (1871) : Allicim und Marsi/as (1872); Paphlaponi.vhe Felscntiriihrr (1885); Berichte iibcr alio (leographie (1885) : Die Fel- senreliefs in Kleinasien und das Volk der Billiter (1887); Oriechische Inschriften drx Britischen Museums (1803); and contributed to the first two volumes of Ausgrabungen zu Olympia (1877- 78). Aus dem Orient was posthumouslv pub- lished (1897). HIRSCHFELD, Otto (1843— ). An eminent German classical philologist and historian, born at Kcinigsberg. After having taught at Got- tingen, Prague, and Vienna, he was in 1885 ap- pointed to the chair of ancient history in the Vniversity of Berlin. Of his historical writings the most important is his Untersuchungrn auf dem Gehieie der riimischen Verunltungsgesehiehte (1876). He rendered especial service to classical learning as editor of Latin inscriptions: Inscrip- tinnrs <!nlli<r rbonensis Latinw (1888); sup- plement to the Corpus: Inscriptionum Latinarum, vol. iii. ( ib., 189.'}): Inseriptiones Aquilaniw et Lugduncnsis (1899). HIRT, Her-MAX (186.5—). A German phi- lologist. He was bom at Magdeburg, wrote on German metres (T'ntersuehungen :ur vestger- manischen Verskunst, 1889), edited Schopen- hauer's I'arerga i 1890) . and then devoting himself to Indo-Germanic philology made special studies on acc-ent, writing Der iudogermanisehe Accent ( 1895 )and Der indogermanische Ablaut, rornehm- lich in seinem 'erlialtnis :ur Betonung [1900] . Hirt, who became professor at Leipzig, made valu- able contributions to Burgmann and Streitberg's Indogermanische Forschungcn.oa the morphology of case endings. In 1902. he published Ilandbuch der griechisehen Laut- und Formcnlehre. the first volume of a series of Indo-Germanic text-books of wliirh he is editor. HIRTH, h.Vt, Fbiedbich (1845 — ). A Ger- man sinologue, born at Griifentonna. Saxe- Ootha. He was educated at the universities of Leipzig, Berlin, and Greifswald (Ph.D., 1869), and from 1870 tn 1897 was in the Chinese mari- time customs service. In 1902 li* was appointed to the professorship of Chinese in Coliimliia T'ni- versity (Xew York City). A collection of Chi- nese manuscripts and printed books made by him is in the Royal Library at Berlin, and anollicr of porcelains of considerable historical importance in the Gotlia Museum. As an investigator he con- ducted researches in Chinese literature by imita- tion of the methods of classical philology. His chief jmblications include: China and the Human Orient: Il:scarchcs Into Their Ancient and Mediwral Helations as Ilcpresenled in Old i'hi- nese Uccords ( 1885) ; Ancient Porcelain: A Study in Chinese Medicrial Industry and Trade (1888); Text-Book of Documentary Chinese (2 vols., 1885-88) ; Chinesisehe Studien (vol. i.. 1890) ; Leber fremde Einfliisse in der chinesischen Kunst ( 1890) ; and many paijers on subjects con- nected willi Chinese literature. HIRTITJS, her'shi-us. AuLUS (B.C. 90-43). A personal friend of .lulius Ca?sar. under whom he served in Gaul, and who in B.C. 46 nominated him as one of the ten pnetors. After the death of Ciesar he iK-came consul, declared against Antony, and headed a reenforccmcnt for Octavius. While leailing an assault on Mutina (Modena) he was killed. It is said that he was the author of the eighth book of Ciesar's Commentaries on the Oal- lie llV/r. HTRUDO, hlrrnTd.*., HiBiDixEA. Sec Leech. HI RUNDINID.ffi (Xeo-Lat. nom. pi., from hirundo, swallow). The swallow family. See SWALIX)W. HIRZEL, h^r'tsel. Salomon (1804-77). A German pul>lisher and an authority on Goethe. He was horn in Ziirich, worked in the firm of Weidmann in 1-eipzig until 1853. and then with his brother-in-law. Karl Reimer. founded an inde- [jendent publishing house, which brought out Frcytag's works. Grimm's fVHrtcrbuch, and the ])ub!ications of the Saxon Academy, the .Jablo- nuwski Association, and the Prussian arcliive.s. Hirzel made a valuable collection of Zwingliana, which he left to the University of Strassburg. His library on Goethe was willed to Leipzig University. Hirzel wrote: Der junge Ooethe, JIG'r'il) (with an introduction by Bernays, 1875), and Vcr:eichnis einer (Joethe-Bihliothek (1874). HIS, h6s, Vii.HKL.M (1831-1904). A German anatomist. He was born in Basel, studied med- icine there, in Berlin. WUrzburg. and Vienna, and was professor at Basel ( 1857-72) and at Leipzig. His earlier researches were histological; after- wards he devoted himself to anatomy and, in a less degree, to .embryology. He edited with Braune the Zritschrift fiir Anatomic und Ent- icicklungsgeschichte (1875-92). and in 1877 took charge of the anatomical department of the Archie fiir Anatomic und Physiologic. Among his more important publications are: Crania Ilelvetica (with Riitimeyer. 1804) ; Unsere Kor- perform (1875); Anatomic menschlicher Em- bryonen (1880-85); Die anatomische Nomen- klatur (1895); and a reconstruction of the phj-siognomy of Bach after the discovery of his remains (1895. with SofTner). HISCOCK, Frank (1834—). An American lawyer and legislator, born at Pompey, X. . He was admitted to the bar in 1855; served as District Attorney of Onondaga County in 1800- 63, and was a member of the .State Constitutional Convention in 1807. Elected to Congress as a Republican Representative in 1877, he won repute as a debater and leader. From 1887 to 1893 he was a member of the United States Senate.