Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 10.djvu/61

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HEYDEMANN. aus dem Museo 'Nazionale zu Neapel (1882); DionyHur,' (icbiirt uiid Kindheit (1885); Fariser Antikcii (1887). HEYDEN, hi'dfn, Adolf (1838—). A Ger- man arcliitcct. born at Krefeld, pupil of Sohliiter, in Berlin, where he worked at lirst independently, but after 18(18 was associated with Walter Kyll- mann in the erection of important strueturea there and in other cities of Germany. He also executed a great deal of decorative work, and strongly intlucnced the development of industrial art by liis numerous designs in this branch. HEYDEN, vox (1827-97). A Ger- man lii>toriial painter, born at Breslau, the soji of Kriedrich von Heyden, the jjoet. He studied mining in Hreslau and Berlin, and had already become director of the various mining interests of the Duke of Ujest before taking ui) i)ainting in 18;')!) at the Berlin Academy under Eduard Holbein. He then entered the studio of Stef- feck and finished his studies under Gleyre and Couture in Paris, where Lis "Saint Barbara, Patron Saint of Miners," was awarded the gold medal in the Salon of 1803. Of several historical ►and numerous ideal compositions, the more im- portant are: "The Meeting of Luther and Georg von Krundsberg at the Diet of Worms, 1521" (IStJO, Germanic Museum, Nuremberg); 'The French Ambassadors Suing for the Hand of Princess Clemence" (180!») ; "Morning Festival" (1870, National Gallery, Berlin); "Ride of the Valkvries" (1872, owned bv the German Km- peror) : and "The Rescue 'of Witticli" (1880, Karlsruhe Gallery). Besides two large mural paintings for the Hall of Assizes at Posen, representing episodes from local history, he executed decorative work in the city hall, the Nati(mal Gallery, and other public build- ings in Berlin, where he was professor of the history of costume from 1882 to 1803. He published: liliitter piir Kostumknnde (2d cd. 187(i-!ll)) : Die Tracht der europiiischen KuUurvolkrr (188!)); the miners' fairy tales, Aua der Tanfe (1878), and Uie Pfr/en '( 1881 ) , illustrated by himself; Aus eifienem liechle der KiiiiKt (1804) ; and Jury uiid Kunstausstellungen (1804). HEYDEN". Friedrtch AfnusT von (1789- 1851). . German poet, horn at Nerfken, near Heilsberg, in East Prussia, and educated at Kiinigsberg, Berlin, and Giittingen. He wrote some dramas, which are now forgotten, but was successful as a writer of poetic tales, the best known of which are: Die GalUone (1825) : Ifef/i- nnhl (1831): Dn.i Wort der Fran (1843, 23d ed. 1881): Per Scliuxter ran Ispahan (ISiiO); and Die Krinigshraut (1851). HEYDEN, Jan v.

i>er (1637-1712). A 

Dutch landscape and architectural p;unler, born at Gorkum. His .subjects arc the exteriors of buildings, for which Adriaen van der Velde, Eglon van der Neer, and Lingelbaeh supplied the fig- ures. He was a thorough master of perspective and combined an extraordinary degree of finish with great breadth of general treatnu'ut and warm, harmonious color. Characteristic works by him are: three street scenes, in the . ister- dam Museum: another street scene in The Hague Gallery: three fine examples in the Louvre (one of them a view of the .iusterdam Town Hall) ; a street in Cologne, and a view of Cologne 47 HEYDXJK.

Cathedral in the National (iallery, London. Hia

pictures are always of small dimensions. HEYDEN, Otto (1820-97). A German his- torical and portrait painter, norn at Dueherow, Pomerania. lie was a pupil of acb and Kloe- ber at the Berlin Academy (from 1843), then of Cogniet in Paris (1847-48), and later con- tinued his studies independently in Italy (1850- 54), Although the bulk of bis work is devoted to the delineation of national history, he also painted religious subjects, genre scenes, anil iand.scapes, besides many portraits. From his sojourn in Italy dates ".Job and His Friends" (Stettin Museum), followed after his retiirn by "Foundation of Greifswald University, 1455" (1856, in the Aula of the University); "Duke Boguslav X. on His Pilgrimage to Jeru- salem Attacked by Pirates, 1497" (Stettin Mu- seum ) ; "Field Marshal Schwcrin in the Battle of Prague" (Royal Palace, Berlin). The Austro- Prussian War, in which he took part in the suite of Crown Prince Frederick Villiam, brought "The Battlefield of Koniggratz" ( 1868, National Gallery, Berlin), and three episodes in the battle of Koniggratz, all owned by the German Em- peror, ami several reminiscences of the Franco- German War of 1870-71, in which he also accom- panied the army. "Emperor William 1. Visiting the Wounded in the National Gallerj- of Ver- sailles." is especially noteworthy. A visit to the East in 1869 resulted in several genre and land- scape scenes from the Nile, and for the Dankes- kirche in Berlin he executed the mural paintings of "The Last Supper," "The Adoration of the JIagi," and "The Resurrection" (1883). HEYDEICH, hl'driK, HEiXRicn Moritz (1825-85). A (Jerman poet, born at Dresden and educated at Leipzig and at Berlin. His prin- cipal works are: The tragedies, Tiberius flrnc- ehus, and Leonore von Forluqul (1861): the farce Prinz Lieschen (1861); and a collection of poems, Sonnenschein auf dunklem Pfade (1869), HEYDT^ hit, August, Freiherr von der (1801- 74 ) . A Prussian administrator. He was born at Elberfeld, where with his two brothers he carried on the blinking business founded by his father. Elected a Deputy in 1847 and a member of the National Assembly in 1848, in the latter year he became Jlinister of Trade. Three years after- wards he was made director of the Prussian Bank. His Cabinet post he held through the period of reaction, as his politics were not ex- treme. In 1862 he became .Minister of Finance in the Hohenlohe-ltzenplitz Cabinet, and at- tempted to ple:ise both sides in the growing con- flict between Crown and Legishiture. He retired on Bismarck's assumption of contrid later in the year, but was recalled in I86ti to face the ques- tion of raising funds for the war with Austria, clashed with the Diet, but held his place until 1860. HEYDUK, hi'duk. Aoolk ( 1 8:!5— ) . A Czechic poet, born at Reichenburg, and educated at Briina and Prague. Since 1860 he has been professor in the Realschule at Pisek. He wrote a valuable sketch of Slavic and German mythology- (1863). .nnd the popular poems, mostly lyric, but many in the epic of idvllic manner: Lesni kriti (1875) ; Drernruhce (1882): Ciimhnl a huslc (1876), which deals with the Slovaks; Pisne (1885);