Page:The New Testament in the original Greek - Introduction and Appendix (1882).pdf/36

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398. Orthographical variations treated here in the same manner as others, subject to defects of evidence, and with much uncertainty as to some results 306
399. Orthographical change was more rapid than substantive change, but followed the same main lines of transmission: the fundamental orthographical character of documents is disguised by superficial itacism 306
400. Western and Alexandrian spellings: habitual neutrality of Β 307
401. Tabulation of recurring spellings indispensable for approximate determination, notwithstanding the impossibility of assuming an absolute uniformity 307
402. Orthographical alternative readings reserved for the Appendix 308
403. Digression on itacistic error as diminishing but not invalidating the authority of the better MSS as between substantive readings differing only by vowels that are liable to be interchanged; 308
404. with illustrations of the permutation of ο and ω, ε and αι, ε and η, ει and η, and ἡμεῖς and ὑμεῖς 309
D. 405—416. Breathings, Accents, and other accessories of printing 310—318
405. No transmission of Breathings (except indirectly) or Accents in early uncials 310
406. Evidence respecting them extraneous, that is, derived from grammarians and late MSS. whether of the N. T. or of other Greek writings 311
407. Peculiar breathings attested indirectly by aspiration of preceding consonants 311
408. Breathings of proper names, Hebrew or other, to be determined chiefly by their probable etymology: 312
409. difficulty as to the breathing of Ιούδας and its derivatives 313
410. Special uses of the Iota subscript 314
411. Insertion of accents mainly regulated by custom, with adoption of the frequent late shortening of long vowels 314
412. Syllabic division of words at end of lines generally guided by the rules of Greek grammarians and the precedents of the four earliest MSS 315
413. Quotations from the O.T. printed in uncial type, transliterated Hebrew words in spaced type, titles and formulæ in capitals 315
414. Distinctive use of Κύριος and [ὁ] κύριος; 316
415. of Χριστός and [ὁ] χριστός; 317
416. and of Ὕψιστος and ὁ ὕψιστος 318
Ε. 417—423. Punctuation, Divisions of text, and Titles of books 318—322
417. No true transmission of punctuation in early uncials or other documents; necessity of punctuating according to presumed interpretation 318
418. Simplicity of punctuation preferred. Alternative punctuations 319
419. Graduated division and subdivision by primary sections, paragraphs, subparagraphs, and capitals 319