Page:The Novels of Ivan Turgenev (volume V).djvu/104

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once that Irina had a headache, that she was in bed, and would not get up till the evening, that such an indisposition was however little to be wondered at after a first ball.

'С est tres naturel, vous savez, dans les jeunes filles,' he added in French, somewhat to Litvinov's surprise; the latter observed at the same instant that the prince was not in his dressing-gown as usual, but was wearing a coat. 'And besides,' continued Osinin, 'she may well be a little upset after the events of yesterday!'

'Events?' muttered Litvinov.

'Yes, yes, events, events, de vrais evenements. You cannot imagine, Grigory Mihalovitch, quel succes elle a eu! The whole court noticed her! Prince Alexandr Fedorovitch said that her place was not here, and that she reminded him of Countess Devonshirsk. You know . . . that . . . celebrated. . . . And old Blazenkrampf declared in the hearing of all, that Irina was la reine du bal, and desired to be introduced to her; he was introduced to me too, that 's to say, he told me that he remembered me a hussar, and asked me where I was holding office now. Most entertaining man that Count, and such an adorateur du beau sexe! But that 's not all; my princess . . . they gave her no peace either: Natalya Nikitishna herself conversed with her . . . what more could we have? Irina