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'Ashik 56 Atabak 'Ashik, (3^^, poetical name of Maulana Abiil Khair of Khwarizm, which see. Ashk '-^'^t^ poetical name of Muhammad JE:hali'>-ullah Khan, which see. Ashna, '^T, poetical name of Mirza Muhammad Tahir who had the title of Inait Khan. He was a son of Nawab Zafar Khan Ihsan, and died in 1666 A. D., 1077 A. H. His complete work is called " Kulliat 'Ashna," in which Kasidas are to he found in praise of Shah Jahan and Dara Shikoh. Ashna, the poetical name of Ghaias-ud-dm who died in A. D. 1662, 1073 A. H. Ashob, ■^J^^ ) the poetical name of Muhammad Bakhsh, a poet who flouiished in Audh during the reign of Asaf- ud-daxila and his father Shujaa'-ud-daula. He is the author of a Diwan. Ashraf, or Darwesh Ashraf. He flourished under Baisanghar's son, and has left a Diwan. Ashraf Ali Khan Koka, c5^* vide Fighan. Ashraf, <-ir"'^ poetical name of Mirza Muhammad Sa'id of Mazandaran, son of MuUa Muhammad Kana'. He came to India and was appointed to instruct Zebun Nisa Begam, the daughter of the emperor 'Alamgir. He died at Mungair. He is the author of a Diwan and several Masnawis. Ashraf, •-ly*^ the poetical name of Muhammad Hasan, son of Shah Muhammad Zaman of Allahabad. He was pro- bably alive in 1852 A. D., and is the author of a Masnawl called " Ma' dan Faiz." Ashraf Khan, '-Ir^'j title of Mirza Muhammad Ashraf the son of Islam Khan Mashhadi. In the reign of Shah Jahan, he held the rank of 1500, and the title of Ya'tmad Khan. In the time of 'Alamgi'r he was raised to the rank of 3000 with the title of Ashra/ Khan, and died five days after the conquest of Bijapiir on the 17th September, 1686 A. D., 9th Zil-kada, 1097 A. H. Ashraf Khan, •-i^'^^ whose proper name was Mu- hammad Asghar, was a Sayyad of Mashhad, and held the office of Mil- Munshi in the time of the emperor Akbar. He wrote a beautiful hand, and was an excellent poet. He composed a chronogram on the death of Muhammad Yusaf in 1562 A. D., 970 A. H., another on the completion of the mosque of Shaikh Salim Chishti at Fathapur Sikri in 1571 A. D., 979 A. H., and one on the conquest of Surat by Akbar on the 1st of January, 1573, A. I)., 25th Sha'ban, 980 A. H. He accompanied Munaim Khan Khankhanan to Bengal and died at Lakhnauti in the year 1575 A. D., 983 A. H. At the time of his death he held the rank of 2,000. Ashraf, •-i;'^', a chief of the Afghans of the tribe of Ghil- zai, who was elected on the 22nd of April 1725 O. S., by the Afghans as successor of his cousin or imcle Mahmud, another chief of the same tiibe, who had usurped the throne of Persia in the time of sSultan Husain Saiwi whom he kept in confinement. A hraf on his accession miirdered the latter, and sent his corpse to be interred in Kumm. He was defeated by Nadir Kuli (afterwards Kadir Shah) in 1729 A. D., 1142 A. H., who placed Shah Tahmasp II, son of Sultan Husain on the thi'one. A.slu'af was afterwards seized and murdered by a Billoth chief between Kirman and Kandahar in Januaiy, 1730 A. D., 1143 A. H., and his head sent to Shah Tahmasp. 'Ashrat, Cl>y^, vide Ishrat. 'Ashrati, name of a poet, vide Ishrati. 'Asif Khan, vide Asaf Khan. 'Asimi, ij*^^, an Ai-abian poet who lived in the time of Khwaja Nizam-ul-Mulk, and wrote beautiful panegyrics in his praise. 'Asjudi, ij'^'^^, a powerful poet at the court of Suhan Mahmud of Ghazni, was a native of Marv, and one of the scholars of 'XJnsarf. He evinced in his works much genius ; but they are scarce, and the greatest part of them are lost. Askaran, ^dJ^^ "^h, (Raja) brother of Eaja Bihari Mai Kachhwaha. He served under the emperor Akbai for several years, and died some time after the year 1588 A. D., 996 A. H. After his death, his son Eaj Singh was raised to high rank and honors. 'Askari, isj^-^ (Imam) vide Hasan Askan'. 'Askari, isy^^ (Mirza) third son of the emperor Babar Shah. On the accession of his eldest brother Humayun to the throne of Dihlf, the district of Sarkar Sambhal was conferred on him as jagir. He was sub- sequently kept in confinement for some time on account of his rebellious conduct by Humayun on his return from Persia., He afterwards obtained permission to go on a pilgrimage to Mecca, but died on his way across the deserts of Arabia in the year 1554 A. D., 961 A. H. He left one daughter who was married to Yfisaf Khan, an inhabitant of Mashhad. Asmai, t^**"^', surname of Abu Said Abdul Malik bin Kureb, which see. 'Asmat, •■S'-*-*^-^, or Ismat, poetical name of Kliwaja Asmat- ullah of Bukhara. He was descended from a noble family of Bukhara tracing his ancestry to Ja'far, the son of Abu Talib the father of AH. He was successful in all kinds of poetical composition ; and fioiu-ished in the time of prince Mirza Khalil, the grandson of Amir Taimur, whom he instructed in the art of poetry. He died in the year 1426 A. D., 829 A. H., and has left a Diwan consisting of 20,000 verses. 'Asmat-uUah, *t uzf^e Asmat. 'Asmat-ullah, h '^♦'^^ (MuUa) of Saharanpdr, was the author of the work called " Shurah Khulasat ul-Hisab." He died in 1626 A. D., 1035 A. H. Asoka, ^f^'w', the son of Bindusara, and grandson of Chandra- gupta raja of Pataliputra in Magadha. He reigned for about 40 years, until the year 223 B. C. His reign is most important. Numerous inscriptions made by his order have been discovered in various parts of India. 'Assar, J^'**^^ (oil-presser) the poetical name of Shams-ud-dfn Muhammad. He was a native of Tabrez, and author of a romantic poem called " Mehr wa Mushtari," the Sun and Jupiter, which he completed on the 20th February, 1377 A. D., 10th Shawwal, 778 A. H., and died in the year 1382 A. D., 783 A. H. Aswad, lij^', or Al-Aswad, vide Musailima. 'Ata, the poetical name of Shaikh Ata-ullah a pupil of Mii-za Bedil. He died at Dihli in 1723 A. D., 1135 A. H. Atabak, "-^'j', or Atabig. This is a Turkish title, formed fi-om the word Ata, father or tutor, and Beg, lord ; and