Page:The Poetical Works of Elijah Fenton (1779).djvu/119

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On ocean's utmost bound, approach the realms 15
Unbless'd, where the Cimmerians darkling dwell,
(A lamentable race!) of heav'nly light
Unvisited, and the sun's gladsome ray.
Mooring the vessel on that dreary beach
We take the destin'd sheep, and slow sojourn 20
Along the marish, till the fated place
We found which Circe will'd we should explore.
Eurylochus and Perimedes guard
The holy offerings; I mean-time unsheath
My falchion, and prepare t' intrench the ground
A cubit square, and there oblations pour 26
To reconcile the Shades; infusing milk,
With honey temper'd sweet, and bowls of must
Pure from the mellowest grape, with added store
Of water, and with flow'r of wheat bestrow 30
The mix'd ingredients; to the feeble ghosts
Then vow'd, if Heav'n to my dear native land
Should favour my return, a barren cow
Of stateliest growth, and to th' oraculous seer[1]
A ram of sable fleece, the leading pride 35
Of all my flocks. These solemn rites perform'd,
And vows preferr'd, the destin'd sheep I flew;
Forth gush'd the vital purple, and surcharg'd
The hollow'd trench; when, lo! from the dun verge
Of Erebus the ghosts promiscuous troop 40
Unnumber'd, youths and maidens immature

  1. Tiresias.