Page:The Poetical Works of Elijah Fenton (1779).djvu/130

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Translations, &c.
Mother of the fam'd Twins; Castor, expert
To tame the steed, and Pollux, far renown'd
On lifted fields for conflict; who from Jove
Receiv'd a grateful boon like gods to live,
Mounting alternate to this upper orb. 325
Next Iphimedia glides in view, the wife
Of great Alöeus, who in love compress'd
By Neptune, bore (so she the fact avow'd)
Otus and Ephialtes, whom the Fates
Cut short in early prime: their infant years 330
Nurtur'd by earth, enormous both attain'd
Gigantic stature, and for manly grace
Were next Orion rank'd; for in the course
Of nine swift circling years nine cubits broad
Their shoulders measur'd, and nine ells their height.
Improvident of soul, they vainly dar'd 336
The gods to war, and on Olympus hoar
Rear'd Ossa, and on Ossa Pelion pil'd,
Torn from the base with all its woods, by scale
T' assault heav'ns battlements; and had their date
To manhood been prolong'd had sure achiev'd 341
Their ruinous aim; but by the silver dart
Of Phœbus sheer transfix'd, ere springing down
Shaded their rosy youth, they both expir'd.
Ill-fated Phædra then with Procris came, 345
And Ariadne, who them both surpass'd
In goddess-like demeanor: from her sire
Minos, the rigid arbiter of right,