Page:The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club.djvu/152

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previous day, was observed to increase. He shortly afterwards disap- peared : he was missing during- the whole day, and in the evening- this letter was brought by the hostler from the Crown, at Muggleton. It had been left in his charge in the morning, with a strict injunction that it should not be delivered until night."

Mr. Pickwick opened the epistle. It was in his friend's hand-writing, and these were its contents :

" My dear Pickwick,

'* You, my dear friend, are placed far beyond the reach of many mortal fraiUies and weaknesses which ordinary people cannot overcome. You do not know what it is, at one blow, to be deserted by a lovely and fascinating creature, and to fall a victim to the artifices of a villain, who hid the grin of cunning, beneath the mask of friendship. I hope you never may.

" Any letter, addressed to me at the Leather Bottle, Cobham, Kent, will be forwarded — supposing I still exist. I hasten from the sight of that world, which has become odious to me. Should I hasten from it altogether, pity — forgive me. Life, my dear Pickwick, has becomie insupportable to me. The spirit which burns within us, is a porter's knot, on which to rest the heavy load of worldly cares and troubles ; and when that spirit fails us, the burden is too heavy to be borne. We sink beneath it. You may tell Rachael — Ah, that name I —

"Tracy Tupman."

« We must leave this place, directly," said Mr. Pickwick, as he re- folded the note. " It would not have been decent for us to remain here, under any circumstances, after what has happened ; and now we are bound to follow in search of our friend." And so saying, he led the way to the house.

His intention was rapidly communicated. The entreaties to remain were pressing, but Mr. Pickwick was inflexible. Business,. he said, required his immediate attendance.

The old clergyman was present.

" You are not really going? " said he, taking Mr. Pickwick aside.

Mr. Pickwick reiterated his former determination.

" Then here," said the old gentleman, " is a little manuscript, which I bad hoped to have the pleasure of reading to you myself. I found it on the death of a friend of mine — a medical man, engaged in our County Lunatic Asylum — among a variety of papers, which I had the option of destroying or preserving, as I thought proper. I can hardly believe that the manuscript is genuine, though it certainly is not in my friend's hand. However, whether it be the genuine production of a maniac, or founded upon the ravings of some unhappy being, whioh I think more probable, read it, and judge for yourself."

Mr. Pickwick received the manuscript, and parted from the benevo- lent old gentleman with many expressions of good-will and esteem.

It was a more difficult task to take leave of the inmates of Manor Farm, from whom they had received so much hospitality and kindness.
