Page:The Present State of Peru.djvu/204

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from the system of Aristotle: that those of Newton, Gassendi, and Des Cartes, did not symbolize so much with revealed truths; and that neither had their predecessors sought to be legislators, by the introduction of a more exquisite taste in the sciences, nor could the university presume to become the author of new methods:" when that of Alcala asserted, at the above time, "that the study of Roman jurisprudence ought to be the first object of those who devote themselves to the laws:" at that very epoch, we say, the academy of St. Mark adopted the new plan of studies which had been drawn up for their better regulation. Free from the decay by which many other seminaries of learning have been obscured, it has preserved a brilliant succession of eminent subjects in all the faculties. The list of them would be immense; and the works with which they have enlightened the public, would form a collection of no small consideration.

If many of the excellent productions of American genius have remained buried in oblivion, without having, through the medium of printing, obtained the recompense of fame, it was, in past times, the effect of the impossibility of defraying the expences, combined with the risks attendant on their conveyance to Europe[1]; and at all times that of the distance


  1. Father Melendez, in the introduction to his Tesoro verdadero de Indias (real treasure of the Indies), speaking of the MS. work, entitled, "Description and Population of the Kingdoms of Peru," by Reginaldo de Lizarraga, bishop of Chile, which, having been sent to Madrid to be printed, was denied that advantage, through the neglect of the person in whose possession it was, remarks as follows: "Such are the risks incurred by the unfortunate writers of South America, who send their books to be printed in Spain, that the correspondents retain the money, theirs being
