Page:The Present State of Peru.djvu/209

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females, whose bringing up, in whatever concerns their moral and physical duties, is confided to a rectoress and a mistress. The administrator, and the principal chaplain of the college, are, by virtue of their offices, to see that the constitutions are rigorously complied with; and if they notice any thing that requires amendment, they are to lay the same before the tribunal, which is to apply the remedy. A general visitation is annually made on St. Matthew's day, chosen in commemoration of the name of the pious founder of this useful work of charity, unless it should be procrastinated on account of any business of urgent necessity.

The funds of the college have varied; but, through the integrity, zeal, and skilful management of the tribunal, the variations have been constantly in favour of the establishment. At the commencement they consisted of the principal sum of three hundred and forty-one thousand six hundred and twenty-six piastres, laid out in quit-rents and other capitals; but amount at present to three hundred and ninety-four thousand five hundred and two piastres, which, combined with the rents of a few houses belonging to the foundation, produce annually fourteen thousand nine hundred and thirty-two piastres. In the maintenance and clothing of the girls, and of the rectoress and mistress, together with the salaries of the two latter, those of the two chaplains, of the surgeon, administrator, female domestics, advocate, procurator, &c. eight thousand seven hundred piastres are annually expended. The remainder is applied to the repairs of the building and dependencies, and to the portions of the college girls, who are destined either for a married state, or for the convent. The amount of these portions is settled by the tribunal, according to their voca-
