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Sydney Gazette,

Published by Authority.

SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 1805.
[Number 112.

It is hereby ordered, that all Proclamations, &c. which appear und r head of General Orders, and all Advertisements and Notices of any Officer of Government properly authorised to publish them in the Sydney Gazette, and New South Wales Advertiser, are meant, and must be deemed to convey full and sufficient Notifications, in the same manner as if they were particularly specified any one Individual, or others to whom they may have a reference.

By Command of His Excellency the Governor and Commander in Chief.

Sydney, March 21st, 1804 W. N. CHAPMAN, Secretary.

General Orders.

The Harvest being safely got in, it is expected that those indebted to th Stores do ma e every exertion to pay their debts, by delivering Wheat or Barley into the Stores at Sydney, Hawkesbury, and Parramatta. Those who have been indebted prior to the 1st of January, 1803, will be allowed Eight Shillings per Bushel for Wheat; and to those become indebted since that period the following Prices will be allowed:

Wheat seven shillings and six Pence a Bushel at Sydney and Parramatta; and Seven shillings at Hawkesbury.

By Command of His Excellency,

G. Blaxcell, Acting Sec.

Government House, Sydney,

Dec. 16, 1804.

Whereas, there is much reason to suspect that the Spanish Merchant Brig is hovering about this Coast, between Kent's Group and Jervis's Bay, in a distressed and leaky state: His Excellency directs, that no Private Colonial Vessel leaves this Port without the Owners giving Security to take no other Letter or Message whatever to the Person in Charge of that Vessel than a sealed Letter from the Governor, on pain of forfeiting the Penalty of 500£ sterling: But this is not to preclude their giving such assistance as the situation of the vessel may require; but on no account to furnish her with more provisions than are necessary to bring her to this port.—Any Merchant Ship that may sail from hence before the above Brig's arrival are enjoined to observe the above Order in its true sense and meaning.

By Command of His Excellency,

G. Blaxcell, Acting Sec.

Government House, Sydney, April 14,18 5

Commissary's Office, March 5, 1805.

Public Notice is hereby given, that Copper Coin will be received in Payment of Debts due to the Crown, or Swine's Flesh without Head or Feet, at seven pence per pound, into His Majesty's tores at Sydney, Hawkesbury, and Parramatta, to issue in lieu of salt meat, of which the Deputy Commissaries and Storekeepers are to have three days previous Notice.

Persons not indebted to the Crown, will ling to supply his Majesty's Stores with Pork salted in the Colony during the Months of June and July, are to give their sealed ten- ders to me on or before the 31st Instant, of the quantity they will furnish, the highest price not to exceed Seven pence per pound.

By Command of His Excellency,

J. Palmer, Commissary

Judge Advocate's Office, April 6

NOtice is hereby given, that no Processes whatever will be granted by the Court of Civil Jurisdiction during the present erm of Sitting, after the 27th of the present nstant, April, 1805.

Rd. Atkins, Judge Advocate.


Now on Sale, at the Warehouse of 3. LORD, Sydney, at the lowest Prices.

The undermentioned Piece &c. Goods,viz. Muslins, plain and striped ; scarlet and green superfine broad cloth ; punjums, ifreas, nankeens, baffeties, Bengal prints and chintzes, cotton for lamps, pickles in cafes, &c. &c.

Also, sugar in bags at 712 per lb. for which prompt payment, to be made in copper currency, or dollars at 6s. each; and on purchase of a ton or upwards, at 6d. per lb. for immediate payment in cash or bills for prompt confolidation.

N. B. Purchasers to a large amount will be accomodated with a few months credit on approved security.


LEtters of Administration to the Estate and Effects of the late Mr. Charles Webb is of Hawksbury, deceased, being granted by the Civil Court to Mrs. Eleanor Webb, widow of the deceased, all persons having any claims or demands on the said Estate (not yet presented concordant with the former Notice), are again requested to be furnished to George Howe, at Sydney, he being authorised to receive the same, within 28 days from the date hereof; as none will be admitted that are not presented within the term herein specified: And all and every such person or persons as remain indebted to the Estate of the Deceased are requested to settle their accounts as early as possible, in order to a final arrangement being made.
Hawksbury, April 5


At the House of J, Driver, Chapel Row.

THE following Articles, lately laid in viz.

Green Hyfon Tea, and dut,.* comm-»", 8ug»r, pepper, and hlu^, ringliíh and indfa rliiwls, L'~ dies £¡ík hindicGrchiifs Ditto m ^ ii ; n, Packet hn ikcrc^iifa, pclicat Sec, [olia and Pricifti chiras» çs per vard anc upwards, iixc?llent Bengal prims I 2s per yard, retail 2 . 6 i. Long cloths diito di:caB i Caliches. Punjarns, S-irhies, Nankeen 7» oer pi<-C3 j Company1! dic^o i es. 6 í perde, sprigg'J muí!:«» j 3s 6i per ysrd, Fine Liiiadimiciei 5* per ditto, '? bnirrs of all kinds ready, Bonners »ni c Glo»k?, Lades cleg mt /«athen, ß ack and oiber '. Ribbands of »II cjIohi«!, Sir and finger lings and ¡drops. Miaras Cdîn ¡nek?, Ladies' gloves, Pins,, threads, ud-'s, oobbmg, fiiks &:, &c,

and Handfome faih rii>n.4nds of v.tiious colour*, , oniv is. per yird

j Alf o*, Black fatin Florentine, white and

brown Ifreas 2l. 5s. per piece, and blue chintz furniture patterns 123. per ditto.


At the Houfe of Mrs, Simpfon Pitt's Row,


rPHE following Articles, of the beft quality

.*. viz.

Green and Souchong Teas ; Sugar of different qualities ; Jandles and Pom ¿turn ; C»licbes. ! bro^n and blue Daag^r^e ; plain and t^m^ourM I Mi-.flfn ; Chiotzïs and Prims, Briiciíh and Jiswgal,

\ Peu i Arc ia: (lus, &c. &j.

Sydmy, April 20.


Two Small Boats having been left at New Zealand by Mr. Oliphant, MaSler of rhe CONTEST V in January Last, ni Millen of vef fcls and o hfrs frcqd:nting or oc Ck fiona i li» touch- ing at Dnifc/ ßiv or its vicinity, on the fa vi Cos ft, ara fccreby Iii idly cautioned to not tike awai , or in any. m inner io«ver dirrnga eitnerof the faid boats, as whey will other wife neco/ns rcfncníiSle to the owners for any aQl contrary lo tai tenor of this


Sydney, April 13. '


A Parcel of Memorandums and other loofe

^"-*- Papers, particularly lèverai Letters ad

dreíT-dto ívlr. L Davjjüen, Norfolk líUad, Cnm pi mern Hated from Bombay and Calen*;.!, Who foi^er will reit3-e the fiid Parcel to the f*i-i L, Divoren at the baufe formerly inhabited bv Philip P-rry, ajjicent to Sirjeant Richardiou'j, fli.U re- ceive a Reward of One Pound tarling, Sydneys April 13,