Page:The Zankiwank & the Bletherwitch (IA zankiwankblether00fitziala).pdf/173

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and the Bletherwitch

distributes amongst those who want an hour or a day or a week, But they have to pay for it——”

“Pay for it?”

“Time is money,” called out Mr Swinglebinks.

“There you are. If Time is money you can exchange Time for money and money for Time. Is not that feasible?”

Did anybody ever hear of such queer notions? Maude and Willie were quite tired through trying to think the matter out.

Time was meant for slaves.—Time is money.—Time and Tide wait for no man.—Take Time when Time is.—Take Time by the forelock.—Procrastination is the thief of Time.—Killing Time is no murder.—Saving Time is no crime. As quick as thought Mr Swinglebinks exhibited these statements on his swinging sign, one after the other, and then he came to them once again.

“Are you convinced now? Let me have a quarter of an hour to send to the poor slaves. Time was meant for them, you know, and you are using their property without acknowledgment!”